Guidelines for writing an interpersonal process recording (IPR)
- This IPR is to focus on an actual interaction between student nurse and client.
- An IPR is an opportunity for the nurse to evaluate the effectiveness of therapeutic communication skills.
- This is not a client teaching or data gathering exercise.
- Grading is not according to actual interactionqualities, but rather on the analysis of it.
- Submit your paper to your clinical instructor as directed.
Interpersonal Process Recording Instructions and Rubric
- Introduction section
- Include a title page
- Write an introductory narrative, which includes:
- Date, duration, location & descriptive data of 1:1
- Client’s age, gender & of appearance.
- Admitting diagnosis, reason for admission and other pertinent medical/psychiatric diagnoses.
- Client’s stage of growth and development per theorist. Have they attained this development stage, why or why not? – give example with citation from professional literature.
- Is client voluntary/ involuntary?
Body of IPR
- The body of the IPR is to be written in the 5-column format provided. Make copies as needed.
Required elements
- Exact verbal statements of client and nurse using quotations
- Minimum of 6 responses between client and nurse
- Non-verbal communication of client and nurse including affect, speech, body language, personal space
- All verbal and nonverbal communication of the client is analyzed using appropriate terminology. Analysis is written with appropriate terminology related to therapeutic communication and is substantiated with citation of professional literature. YOU MUST CITE PAGE NUMBERS IF USING YOUR TEXT.
- Identify each therapeutic communication strategy as you write your 1:1 interaction. Identify your therapeutic communication techniques specifically.
Summary Section
- Write a summary section, which includes: a minimum of 2 alternative communication techniques that could have been implemented or included. Rationale from professional literaturesupports the alternative techniques that are discussed.
- In a paragraph, assess and identify your own personal or interpersonal strengths and weaknesses & what you learned. Reflect upon what you might have done differently.
Professionalism and Scholarly Writing
- Used appropriate format for introduction, body of IPR and summary section.
- Professional sources are used and cited appropriately and included on reference page. Correct grammar, APA format, and style. You must utilize 3 references, 2 that are not from the textbook. Remember, you do not reference if you don’t cite your source. Professionalism demonstrated during presentation of your IPR.
Template Format
- Client verbatim – nurse verbatim
- These sections should include the verbatim statements of the nurse and the client during the interaction. Time lapses and silences should be noted if they occur. This section is to be written in an objective fashion, without any interpretations on the part of the student.
- Non-verbal behavior of nurse and client
- This section is to be used for recording communication and behavior that is not verbalized. Significant gestures, facial expressions, body posture, tones of voice, eye contact, etc., should be noted – both the client’s and the nurse’s. For example, it should be recorded that the client’s voice dropped to a whisper when he spoke about his mother’s death. Describe what these behavioral clues might indicate.
Communication Technique
Identify your communications by labeling them as therapeutic or non-therapeutic. All verbal and nonverbal communication of the client and nurse is analyzed using appropriate terminology. Analysis is written with appropriate terminology related to therapeutic communication and is substantiated with citation of professional literature. USE PAGE numbers and cite your source.
Alternative Responses
- This section provides the student with an opportunity to look back on the interaction and to formulate responses that might have been more effective than the one used. Although the interaction itself may have been ineffective in achieving the stated goal, it can still be a learning experience, and be a guide for future interactions. Substantiate your alternative responses from professional literature.
Interpretation of Interaction
- Reflect upon the dynamics that occurred during the interaction.
- How did you perceive the client to feel? How did you feel? You should also note any disorders of thinking that were present. Your interpretations must be supported with theoretical knowledge. Your textbook is an excellent source.