completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies: In the

Create a six-slide, 12-minute presentation briefing a team on a potential ethical dilemma. By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies: In the career for which you are preparing, where will you look for ethical guidance? SHOW LESS All of these overlapping concerns may create conflicted situations. Professional association codes of ethics commonly deal with a number of concerns: No matter how extensively the professional code is spelled out, it cannot cover everything, and it often overemphasizes enforcement. It is more helpful to take a positive approach, thinking aspirationally about how best to handle challenging situations. Questions to Consider To deepen your understanding, you are encouraged to consider the questions below and discuss them with a fellow learner, a work associate, an interested friend, or a member of the business community. SHOW LESS Please remember that these are practical questions. The point is not to deal abstractly with philosophical issues, but rather to develop useful skills everyone can apply every day. Assessment Instructions Assessment Overview Imagine management at your future workplace tasks you with making a formal presentation to your team discussing a workplace ethical dilemma they might face. You consider an appropriate professional code of conduct, but only to the extent that it might offer useful guidance in this situation. The central task is to help everyone work together productively in resolving tricky issues. For this assessment, fulfill the management task and create an audiovisual presentation that applies a professional code of ethics to common workplace situations. Submit your work as a narrated visual presentation in the courseroom submission box. You may develop a series of annotated PowerPoint slides, for example, using Kaltura to record the audio portion of your work. If you are more familiar with other presentation software, you may use that, so long as your submission satisfies all of the required elements of the assessment. Include the following in your narrated visual presentation: Note: Include in your presentation slides or annotations a full APA-style citation of any quotation or paraphrase from the professional code or other sources you choose to employ. Your instructor may provide video feedback on your work, in addition to completing the official scoring guide for the assignment. Submit this assessment to your ePortfolio. Additional Requirements