1. The research paper must focus on an Urban Affairs issue. 2. At a minimum, include the following key points. a. Title Page (with running header, paper title, author, and university). b. Abstract (include a page header on every page from this point forward). c. Main Body i. Problem 1. What is the problem? 2. What is the history or chronology of the problem? ii. Issues 1. What are the key issues? 2. What are the associated issues? 3. Who is impacted? Who is not impacted? 4. Has the problem been addressed in the past? What were the results? iii. Solutions 1. What are the alternative solutions? 2. What the best solution? 3. What are the benefits/drawbacks of the solution (at least three each)? iv. Recommendation 1. Which solution do you recommend? Why? 2. What impact does it have on Public Administration, specifically urban affairs? d. References i. Include at least two scholarly references per page. 3. Formatting Requirements a. APA Style b. The paper must be between 8-10 pages.