Format: Written report: 1200 words
Assessment 1 Video Brief
In this video, the Lecturer talks about all things related to this assessment, which includes:
an overview of the Industry Partner challenge brief
an overview of the business report brief/template and requirements
Link to MIRO board showing all the assessments in the course,Links to an external site.mentioned in the video
Assessment Brief
You are required to discover and analyse the Industry Partner’s business problem as presented in the brief and to describe the external and internal stakeholders, that have influenced or had an impact on the business problem. You are also required to reflect on your learning journey thus far through the game.
The purpose of this assessment is for you to demonstrate your understanding and your application of the multidisciplinary theories and techniques/frameworks in analysing a complex business problem. This assessment will also support your critical thinking in understanding and thinking about your learning practices (e.g a new insight that you have learned through the course) thus far. You may include your visualisation items within the appendix. Visualisation is powerful, remember that those who receive your report will first skim through it to get a sense of what it contains.
In this course you will undertake an assessment journey which comprises of three parts. This assessment task is your first part of your three part assessment journey.
Learning Outcomes
The targeted Course Learning Outcomes (CLOs) for this assessment are:
CLO 2: Demonstrate research and problem-solving skills in the context of solving an authentic business problem.
CLO 3: Work collaboratively to identify stakeholders and position the proposed research in relation to the field of expertise or practice.
CLO 4: Reflect and document personal strengths so as to begin to develop a personal and professional brand and identity.
Marking Criteria
This assessment will measure your ability to:
Identify multiple external and internal stakeholders that are affecting a business problem.
Apply design thinking tools and frameworks to further analyse a business problem.
Present a clear and informative business report.
Document and reflect on a personal learning experience when playing the serious game (The BlackOut)
Your Task
This assessment is the first critical step in understanding and researching the problem. You will work individually to dig deeper into the Industry Partner’s problem. It is important to note that you are not to present any solutions at this stage. Then, in the next assessments (2 + 3), you will then continue to work to consolidate what you have understood about the problem and try to propose some solutions.
In this assessment you are required to discover and analyse the Industry Partner’s business problem as presented in the challenge brief (Step 1) and to describe the external and internal forces/factors/stakeholders, that have influenced or had an impact on the business problem (Step 2) and finally reflect on your learning journey when playing the serious game the BlackOut (Step 3).
Step 1: Research the Industry Partner’s business problem
Industry Partner
In this Assessment, you will work on a real industry problem posted by the Industry Partner. The industry partner’s business problem is located within the Industry Challenge Brief.
You will get to meet the Industry Partner during the first live QnA session and learn more about their ‘wicked problem’.
Here is the opportunity for you to ask any questions that you have regarding the problem that the company is facing as clarifications will be going to help shape your Assessment 1.
Please note that the Live QnA session will be recorded, and you can watch it later if you cannot attend the live session.
Take me to the Industry Challenge Brief
Step 2: Problem discovery | Business report
Problem discovery
Business report
In this written report you will discover and further analyse the Industry Partner’s business problem.
Word count: 1200 (+/-10%)
The word count excludes the Cover Page, Table of Contents, Reference List and table and figures in the appendices; The word count includes everything in the main body of the text (including headings and sub-headings, in-text citations, and academic and/or practical quotes etc).
Format and structure
Download and review the suggested format and checklist for the Written Report.
Written Report format guideDownload Written Report format guide
Assessment Details
The main purpose of this assessment is for you to conduct preliminary research about the problem and reflect on what you have learned so far. The report is to be written for an educated audience, i.e., academics and the Industry Partner representative. Therefore, this should be written in a professional language that they would understand.
You are required to explain specialised business and design thinking terms, acronyms and terms if you use them. The report is to be based on peer-reviewed literature that you have sourced for yourself through the Reading List as well as the literature, database searches: peer-reviewed journal articles, papers, books, etc. You can also reference published government reports and publications, institutional reports and regulatory standards, and other similar official materials, including official websites.
You are expected to cite at least:
2 academic peer-reviewed references.
2 references from other official sources.