Essay: Respond all the parts (a,b,c,d, & e) of following question.
- a) Eugene Bardach’s book “A Practical Guide forPolicy analysis” provided an enlightened guide to the Eightfold path tomore effective problem solving techniques in the field of policyanalysis. Explain in detail the each path of the Eightfold path andbring your own argument, how policy analysis and evaluation could beconducted more effectively (with common sense) and resolve our policyissues to fit the need of our main customers – the citizens of theUnited States – not the interest groups or corporate entities.
b) Make a critical analysis and program evaluationof Affordable Care Act (Obamacare)& how the Act was being challengedby Trump Administration. In this context discuss how the repeal ofmandatory part of ACA (by Republican Tax Reform Act 2017) have impactedthe Health Care in USA.
c) Also provide a broader understanding of thehealth care system by critically bringing the public policy issuesrelevant to Medicaid and Medicare programs. How these two programs areintegrated with the broader health care for everyday Americans, and howthese two programs be funded effectively and made economicallysustainable.
d) Please also compare and contrast the Health Caresystem with Canada, United Kingdom, France & Germany (any twocountries) along with US system, and make a profound argument betweenthe Universal health care model vs Market based model or combination ofboth.
e) In conclusion & recommendations, discuss andprovide possible advice and suggestions about how the Health Caresystem be improved to make it economically sensible and equitable forall Americans. Your discussion should include the assessment of ideasfrom both Democratic & Republican Party platforms in this post Covidpandemic environment..