Please write a paper on Nuclear energy in the state of Georgia. Meet all of the following requirements for the paper:
Please write about the nuclear power plants in the state of Georgia, nuclear energy in the state of Georgia as a whole and keep in mind that you need to write about how it currently is and how it can be improved while also including the following that is straight out of the syllabus for the course:
This is the first year that PH241 has been run in the era of generative AI. We do not yet know howmuch these technologies will impact academic writing tasks such as those of PH241, for their abilityto generate readable prose is quite remarkable. However, I am anticipating that the numbersrequirement for written submissions in PH241 will be a problem for these technologies becausethey tend to just make things up and are not competent at numerical analysis. Accordingly I amfurther strengthening the numbers requirement this year. In the past I merely required eachsubmission to contain at least one number that was important. This year I am actually asking eachsubmission to have at its core a confrontation with numbers. Examples might includeThe total amount of energy, measured in joules per year, delivered by all the nuclear reactors inGermany at their peak (before the decision to close them) compared to energy delivered by theNord Stream I pipeline (before it was sabotaged).The total amount of nuclear energy generated in France, measured in Joules per year,compared with the total amount gasoline and diesel consumed in France, measured in the sameunits.The total mass of unenriched Uranium metal, measured in kg per year, consumed by the world’scommercial nuclear reactors.The market price of unenriched Uranium metal, measured in USD per kg, over the past 2decades.The total mass of high-level nuclear waste (spent fuel rods), measured in kg per year, generatedby the world’s commercial nuclear reactors.The radioactivity, measured in Bq per kg, of spent fuel rods freshly removed from a reactor.Also the heat power, measured in Watts per kg, associated with this radioactivity.The radioactivity, measured in Bq per square meter, in the forests northwest of the FukushimaDaiichi accident.The larger idea behind the numbers requirement is to discourage approaching the task as a rhetoricexercise. The latter means deciding on a thesis first and then selecting facts to support it second.The skill that PH241 is designed to teach is exactly the opposite. One starts by asking a quantitativequestion that is incisive and then searches out numbers answering this question that areunimpeachably correct, making sure that they are backed up by strong, non-volatile sources so theycan be checked by third parties. One then lets these numbers do the talking. This causes the story togrow out of the facts, as opposed to the other way around. Some plain-word explanations are usuallyrequired for clarity, but these are in service of the numbers, not the reverse.Authors will not have to guess whether they have satisfied the numbers requirement. Per normalPH241 procedure I will be asking everyone to “clear” topics with me before they begin working onthem. This is chiefly to avoid excessive topic overlap, but I will also be using it to check if the3 of 8numbers content is adequate. If it isn’t, I will just ask the author to revise/sharpen the topic beforeproceeding. I will also be checking numbers as editor and flagging those that are nonsense or justmade up.
Please write a paper that includes all of this and make sure the sources are not volatile meaning that they are journals or trustworthy sources and not websites, it has to be scholarly articles or journals or something of that sort. Include a graph or table with relevant numbers as well.