Through all our readings we continue to encounter explanations and examples about Disney’s revisions. Disney continues to revise the role of women in their films/products as well as their representations of race. Guided by the readings we have completed, in this assignment you will creatively dissect how Disney has transitioned from their representation of a Native American princess in Pocahontas (1995) to their representation of a Pacific Islander princess in Moana (2016).
Please submit a Powerpoint presentation or video essay that addresses the following:
-Has Disney transformed their non-White princesses within the time period between 1995 and 2016? If so, why do you consider this a transformation? This does not have to be an “either or.” You must use these two princesses as the key examples, but you can draw comparisons to other non-White princesses where you see fit (although there are not many). Please include information about the narrative, characters, and themes of both Pocahontas and Moana, but do keep in mind that this assignment must contain a wealth of analysis and not just description. Simply explaining the plots will not suffice.
-In your argument/explanation, you *must* draw on AT LEAST 3 of the following readings:
Morales (2020), Attig (2019), Goldman (2014), Leon-Boys & Valdivia (2021), Leon-Boys (2021), Buescher & Ono (1996), Yoshinaga (2019), or any of the Wasko (2020) chapters. *Each Wasko chapter counts as one reading.*
Make sure you clearly explain when/where you are drawing on the readings. You can use full quotes, paraphrase, etc., but I need to clearly see that you are drawing on their concepts.
-This presentation can contain as many slides as needed in order to fulfill the above requirements. I usually find that anything under 5 does not fulfill the requirements.
-Get creative! Insert videos, GIFs, TikToks, pictures, your own audio recordings, your own drawings, anything! This is your chance to creatively answer these questions through a visual (and/or audio) presentation.