- Each student will present to the class, via PowerPoint, an example of a current international marketing event, campaign, trend, etc. This is a global marketing class, so this event/news must be based outside the US. Here are some examples of recent news:
- Little Caesar’s is targeting France for expansion
- Facebook is developing a smartwatch to market in India
- India’s social commerce company, DealShare has raised $144million and is planning an international expansion
- Marriott is launching a massive global marketing campaign….
- Report on the news – and analyze. What is the strategy behind the news? What does it tell us about the global marketplace? What does it tell us about the target customer? What is the message behind this news? What is the opportunity and what do you see as any potential challenges or threats? Apply what we have discussed in class to this event or action.
- Ideally you will access at least three different sources for your news and include them on your final slide. Do they offer different perspectives or insights?
- Your presentation will include at least three things you have learned from your analysis and why it is important.
- Tip: Remember to unleash your inner four-year-old and ask WHY? WHY? WHY? Why is this happening? Why is it significant? What is the potential impact?