Psy 304 1ao75 Elementary Statistics 6

  • Prompt: For all Excel Practice assignments, submit only ONE Excel document but answer each question on separate worksheets within the document.
  1. In Excel, use the data in Chapter 6: Data Set 1 to compute the Pearson product-moment correlation coefficient and create a scatterplot. (Worksheet 1)
  2. You are developing an instrument that measures vocational preferences (what people want to do for a living), and you need to administer the test several times during the year to students who are attending a vocational program. You need to assess the test–retest reliability of the test and the data from two administrations (available as Chapter 7: Data Set 1) — one in the fall and one in the spring. In Excel, calculate Pearson’s correlation coefficient. Would you call this a reliable test? Why, or why not? (Worksheet 2

    Statistics for People Who (Think They) Hate Statistics: Using Microsoft Excel

    By Salkind, Neil J.Edition : 5TH 22Publisher : SAGEISBN 13 : 9781071803882