The rise of eating disorders can be directly tied to social messages that people receive about “ideal” body size. However, messages can come from the media (e.g. magazine, movies) or from people who are close to us (e.g. friends, family). That is, we can learn about how we “should” look by watching images of others in the media, reading about how thin we “should be” in magazines, or we can learn these same messages from comments made by those around us (e.g. “If you lost a little weight, you’d look much better”). Which do you think is more influential in the development of eating disorder—media or direct social contacts? Which has more of an influence on you? Next, what can people do to protect themselves from unhealthy messages about body image—messages from any source?
APA Format/Times New Roman/Size 12 Font
Between 8-10 sentences long
If you use any source, make sure to cite it, NO PLAGIARISM!