Read Carefully Each Part And Complete Properly All I Need A High Quality Paper Zero Plagiarism Be On Time Or Before

It only needs to be about 2-3 pages max

On word doc, you can write your text out fully and then place images onto the page and fit it so it still includes words.

You can place the images however you like.

The images cannot be super large just enough size so you can visibly tell what it is

for in-text citations, cite it accordingly within the text and on the works cited page. MLA format.

for the outside resources that you used to gather information, put those on the works-cited page as well

3-5 sources is definitely okay! No sources in particular. You can use google and other resources to the full extent just include the citation.

3 pages with everything included. So you’ll have to imbed the images into the page with the text

Include like 2 in-text citations, but for the other resources just include that in a separate works-cited page

For this assignment, you have curated and compiled an archive of tools, strategies, instruments, technologies, and networks needed for migration of Black people to occur. You are thinking about it in terms of items like green books, spirituals, compasses, vehicles, passageways, and so forth. What did it take for Black people to move for the circumstances they were moving from or moving to? Though we have primarily focused on The Great Migration during this time, we can think about other aspects of Black people on the move. Whatever time you decide to situate the assignment in, make sure it is one where you can create an archive from it.

The assignment is divided into the following components:

  1. the Archive: I want you to create a collection of materials that were used for Black people on the move. This of course, can be digital with photos, pics, or illustrations. But here is where you need to be as specific and as detailed as you can. How did Black people move? What actual materials, vehicles, instruments, books, navigational equipment, maps, networks, and even luggage did they have to use to go? I want you to think of your archive as something you would see on display in a museum somewhere. What is your collection of materials about, who is it about, and how does it point towards Black people in the US migration or being on the move?
  2. the Archival Backstory: Provide context as to who this archive was made after. You are the people? Where did they live? What decade did they live in? what conditions were they facing to make them move? Where did they move to? I want you to think about storying who could have been the one to use all of your collected materials to migrate or to be on the move.
  3. Archive description: Provide a detailed description of your thinking and your process with this project from beginning to end. Where did you start? What was your motivation/inspiration? Where did you gather your research to put your archive together? Describe with those types of elements in mind.
  4. Archival Mapping- For this component, I want you to think through and describe the racialized geography and cartography that highlights your archive. In other words, what are the landscapes, the areas, the conditions by which this archive was created and the destination these materials helped your imagined people to migrate or to move? Place your archive in context to where Black people left and where they arrived to. (This can be primarily textual, but adding a visual component is fine as well. I want you to describe in terms of conditions and racialized interpretations of the spaces and places this archive highlights.)

To receive full credit for each component: 5 points for each section

  • Each section needs to demonstrate a genuine effort towards critical engagement with the subject matter. This means that you didn’t simply copy and paste images and the notes off of the dry erase board and changed a few words around. Demonstrate your reasons for your choices. Explain them. Show them.
  • Your archive needs to contain your unique contributions to it. Again, this can’t be just a copy and paste from what we are already covering. Add details, elements, add some markers as an archivist.
  • Your project needs to describe your thinking and how you used it to compile your materials. What helped you to determine what was used? Why?

To receive partial credit on a component: 1-3 points:

  • You will receive partial credit if any portion of the assignment is lacking in critical details. If you don’t have a collection of materials, or if your explanation of your choices are minimal (I thought it was interesting is not a sufficient answer), then you will only receive partial credit.
  • Your assignment should be organized, clear in its presentation of text and visuals, reader friendly in terms of font sizes, font styles and spacing, and each part should be understood as to what each component is without extra explanation from you. If these areas are lacking, then points will be deducted for a lack of cohesion, clarity, or effort.

To receive no credit on a component: 0 points

  • This means that a component is missing or no evidence of personal effort was made in the creation of the component. If a component is simply copied and pasted from what we do in class and a font color is changed or it’s a Google image without effort, literally that means there is no point to be made.