Rels101 Week8


Week 8 Integrated Outcomes Presentation

Goal: Deeper analysis of a particular religion supported by critical assessment and integration of scholarly sources.

Course Objectives:

  • CO2: Express the importance of studying religion today
  • CO3: Articulate and evaluate the scholarly methods used in the study of religion
  • CO4: Identify and give examples of the universal forms of religious expression (e.g., sacred places, symbols, ethics, rituals)
  • CO5: Describe the basic concepts that make up a religious world view (e.g., creation of the world, good and evil, salvation, suffering)
  • CO6: Specify the various forms of religious life (e.g., social, political) that are evident in different societies over time

Learning Outcomes:

  • LO 8.1 Evaluate the observable aspects of a particular religion
  • LO 8:2 Analyze religious ideology
  • LO 8:3 Evaluate the process of morality, ethics, theodicy, or soteriology


The visible aspects of a religion are such things as sacred ritual, sacred text, the foundations of cosmogony, rites of passage, sanctified celebrations, and symbolism. In this assignment you will create a PowerPoint in which you pick one religion that you want to delve deeper into with your scholarly research skills.

The choice on what religion to explore is completely up to you – apart from a religion you already practice. You may not explore your own religion/faith commitment, nor one you are already familiar with for our purposes. You need to explore and delve deeper into a religion you are not immersed in – one entirely new to you – this is to demonstrate critical competencies.

For example, if you consider yourself Christian – do not do the assignment on Christianity, nor any of its related branches, denominations, or sects.

Here are just a few examples of the 100’s of religions followed around the world to get you started thinking:

  • Judaism
  • Hinduism
  • Shinto
  • Taoism
  • Christianity
  • Jainism
  • Buddhism
  • Yazidism
  • Confucianism
  • Vodu
  • Zoroastrianism
  • Islam

Your Presentation is to be creative. The Presentation will contain:

  • Graphics/Visual Aids
  • Youtube Video or the like
  • In-text citations that match all resources
  • Three article/book resources for support
  • No crowded text. Text is to be pleasing to the eye

Your presentation must address – at a minimum- the following content:

  1. Title Slide
  2. Introduction and the defining of your religion in your own words.
  3. Identification, examples and discussion of the universal forms of religious expression within your chosen religion and their significance from the perspective of adherents. You do not have to name all religious expressions within each required category contained within your chosen religion. Name one or two with explanations under each category below. This will have one slide for each category with a total of four slides.
  1. Sacred ritual(s)
  2. Sacred text(s)
  3. Celebration(s)
  4. Symbolism(s)

Religions World View

Describe the basic concepts that make up a religious world view. This will have one slide for each category with a total of two slides.

  1. The religions cosmogony doctrine.
  2. The religions salvation doctrine.
  3. Conclude by expressing the importance of studying your religion for others — and for yourself — in relation to the world today.


  1. When the assignment is completed properly you should have a minimum of 12 total slides.
  2. Resources – use at a minimum at least three reliable resources with in-text citations and a resource page to support your analysis. Such sources must be in addition to any encyclopedic or dictionary sources.
  3. Remember all resources must match with in-text citations. You cannot have resources without citations to match – the two must go together, otherwise this is considered plagiarism.