For this assignment, you will create an informative,2-page brochure that focuses on a specific career of your choice. Byapplying the principles of visual and document design that you’velearned and practiced in this module, you will use to develop abrochure that uses clear visual hierarchy, appropriate color, contrast,repetition, and alignment, effective and readable font, and appropriategraphics to inform your audience about a specific career.
Brochure Genre
You’veprobably read or at least seen brochures before. They are usuallyshort, apply various design elements (including headings, lists,images), and inform their audience about a specific topic. With that inmind, you’ll need to consider the common elements and genre expectationsfor brochures as you create your own for this project.
Asour class materials discuss, knowing and understanding your audience isessential. For this project, then, you’ll need to have a clear idea ofwho your target audience is and what your audience needs and expects.Because the brochure will focus on a specific career, a good targetaudience might be other Miami students who are interested in thatcareer. You might even think of the brochure as something that might behanded out to students at a career fair or at the career servicesoffice. Keep your audience in mind not only in creating the content ofthe brochure, but also with its design and layout.
Applying the Principles of Visual Design
Layoutand design are important in workplace writing, and so when creatingyour brochure, you’ll need to apply what our class materials said aboutthe principles of visual design: Contrast, Repetition, Alignment, andProximity. Keeping these in mind can help you create a document that isvisually appealing and professional. You can start with a template ifyou like, although you’ll still need to customize it to fit yourproject.
Assignment Requirements
Part 1: Your Career Brochure
For this assignment you will create a two-page Brochure (between 500-1000 words) that will provide information on a specific career you are interested in seeking.
Ininforming your target audience about the career, you should considerwhat information they might be seeking and would benefit from. Theprompts below can give you ideas of what you can research and address,although you are not required to address all of them:
- Provide a brief description of the career and its function.
- What types of writing and communication are involved in this career?
- Whatare the general requirements or qualifications for the career? That is,what do you (or someone in your position) need to do in order to becomequalified for this position? This may include internships, particularcourse paths, and additional certifications.
- What are challenges or obstacles that this career may pose?
- What are some of the rewards/benefits? That is, what do people in that career like or find rewarding?
- Pullingfrom research on the market context for this career, provide yourreader information on topics such as competitiveness, growth, andsalary, and other conditions relevant to this career.
Youcan include additional relevant information as needed. You can also usethe above list to help you create section titles for your document.
Part 2: Design Memo
Ina short, 1-2 page memo, please provide a description of how you usedthe principles of visual and document design that you’ve learned aboutin Module 2 to develop your brochure. Your writing should provide aclear explanation of your rhetorical and design choices. For example, ifyou used different colors to differentiate information, then you shouldbe able to explain why you chose those colors and where/how you usedthem effectively. Be as specific, concrete, and detailed as possible.
Usewhat you learned about the memo genre’s typical format and style fromModule 1 to guide the construction of your memo. That is, include aclear introduction, sub-headings, and a conclusion.
Researching Information
However,there might be other reliable and relevant sources you find online orin printed publications. But remember to carefully evaluate thereliability and relevance of any sources you find. Put yourself in yourreader’s place, and consider if that reader would find your sources tobe trustworthy.
If you know someone working in the profession youare focusing on for the brochure, you might even consider interviewingthem for information.
Cite Your Sources
Remember to citeall of your sources both in-text and as a Reference at the end of thedocument. Also try to summarize information in your own wording. But, ifyou need to use any of the exact wording of any sources, remember touse quotations and clear citations. You can use any citation style youare comfortable with, but please be consistent. When listing the sourcesat the end of the document, you might also consider it as a list ofresources for your target audience.
Your brochure will be graded by the following criteria:
- Attention to Audience– the brochure is clearly tailored toward your target audience withboth design and content. The content focuses on information youraudience will want and need, and the brochure is designed to help yourreader easily find information.
- Overall Design – the brochure is designed following the principles of visual design, as discussed in our course materials.
- Effective Content– the content of the brochure is clear, with appropriate context anddetails about the career. The most important information about thiscareer is clearly addressed.
- Research and Citations– the brochure clearly uses resources consulted and they are citedclearly and consistently, both in-text and in a References list.
- Polished and Professional– the brochure is polished and clear, and uses a professional toneappropriate for the genre and audience. If your audience is other Miamistudents, don’t go overboard with an excessively formal tone–speak toyour audience appropriately and in terms they will understand.
Below I have attached a sample brochure.