Research Manuscript
The research manuscript assignment in the course is a research proposal that is
developed and written. Each student will establish a research question of personal
interest in the area of group dynamics in sport or exercise, have it approved, and then
write it up in a manuscript format. Thus, the proposal must contain sections oriented to
the introduction (using the components on how to write an introduction (i.e.,
motherhood, literature review, qualifiers, purpose, hypotheses)) and methods—
including data analyses (see Writing Workshop for components). All this will have to be
done in about 10 pages (excluding references, tables, figures). It is expected that
students will produce a high-quality product, one that is suitable for submission to a
reputable peer-reviewed journal. You will follow APA 7 publication guidelines using 12-
point Times New Roman font, and double line spacing with 1-inch margins.
This assignment is for a Master’s Course at a Canadian University!
Please Look at all the documents I have to help you!
I will be sending more documents to aid!
Please go deep into this review, very detailed!