Respond 2 2

The aspect of language development that I found most interesting among the preschool population was how they match their speech sounds to print. When completing my teaching credential, a lot of time was spent on understanding how children learn language, but the main focus was on the later stages of language development that occurs in the primary years. But I always heard that when children are first beginning to learn how to write, their scribbles hold meaning. The chapter that was part of this week’s lesson shared that this is metalinguistic knowledge of phonemes that develops when children begin to focus on literacy-rich environments. One of the best literacy-rich environments for a child to be in is a preschool classroom. For instance, in a preschool classroom, everything is labeled, and this is because at this age children are beginning to associate initial letters with specific sounds. At this age, children will usually know how to write their name and know the letter and sound that their name begins with. Recently I was working in a TK classroom, and I was teaching the students about bugs and in their activity, they had to draw a bug and some of the students wrote out a sentence about their picture. When I asked what their sentence said, I was able to see the beginning connections between sounds and print in their responses, even though all I saw on the page were scribbles that slightly resembled letters. This is a truly fascinating part of children’s development to witness first-hand because their phonemic knowledge is there, they just have to work through it and experience and make connections with language and print that is a part of their environment. This is also an interesting part of development to me because this is an area that can be positively influenced through simple actions, like reading a book with a child and narrating your actions.