Review And Annotated Outline

Your assignment for Module 2 has two parts.

1. Write a 2 page (double spaced) review of at least 2 sample student compendium e-portfolio you reviewed (see below………

Think about the following questions as you draft your comments: What concepts and themes does the students identify from coursework? How do they bring them together in an overall body of work? How do they apply them to their specific interests? How and where could they extend their discussion, to flesh out their compendium further and make it richer? How do you see your compendium comparing? Please upload your comments as a Word Doc via Canvas.

Note: your comments will not be shared with the student. This is purely an exercise within this class.

2. Create an annotated outline for your compendium.

Go back to your abstract/overview (ATTACHED BELOW) and review this”roadmap.” Does it already need to be changed now that you’ve thought more about it? (You can go ahead and revise it already if you wish, but it’s not required). Use it as a basis to now create your annotated outline. You might think of the outline as a “table of contents” for your e-portfolio if you like, and you can even post it there if you like. For now, do it as a word document, and please include a annotations that indicate the logic of your choices and structure. What is each piece/section doing to create the whole? Don’t worry if it looks a little messy. This is part of the “sausage-making” process. You are thinking on paper (or screen) at this stage.

The purpose of this annotated outline is to identify what will be the contents of your compendium and how you plan to pull the pieces together to synthesize them, and what concepts, theories and skills you have learned in coursework that you can build on to connect your MA training to your major interests. Also think about what will be most logical, coherent, and accessible to a viewer who doesn’t know you or the content of your coursework.

Submit your work as two documents on Canvas: one for the review, and one for the annotated outline.