Revise These Three Essays

Revise these three essays also correct according to the suggestions given by the professor especially the Concept to Measurement which needs more revision.

you may revise parts of your first three assignments. Do not revise parts that I revised for you in my comments, but select segments of text that you can revise to address comments I made on your original submission. For example, if I said I need to see more work with the paramedic method for brevity, select two or three paragraphs to revise using the paramedic method; if you lost points for not developing a second theoretical thread in your Story to Theory assignment, revise the second theoretical thread in your revision. You may also revise a section of your third assignment–to make the level 1 dimensions clearer, for example. I will look to see how you addressed my comments on your original assignment submission.

Based on the quality of your revisions, I will add points to your original grade for the assignment. This means your final exam can improve your grade for those assignments as well as count for your final exam grade.

Include an introduction that explains what you chose to revise and why.

I do not need any text you chose not to revise.

If you choose not to revise at all, your grade for the class will be whatever shows on Canvas after all assignments are submitted. You will not lose points for not submitting.

I will sent you the rubric of these essay later.