Under graduate social work education is as much a part of knowing yourself as it is to understand client behavior. This assignment will utilize you as a case manager in developing a psychological, sociological, biological and spiritual history. This is a confidential paper. No one will have access to the paper but this instructor. You will not be graded on the descriptive content but on your ability to express yourself, to self-assess and complete a social history. The purpose of this paper will be to evaluate your analytical/assessment skills, your recording skills, your critical thinking skills, your objectivity and ability to self-assess, as well as help the instructor in knowing you. Follow the following outline but feel free to modify the outline to meet your particular need. This paper should be 6-8 pages, not including cover page, attachments (e.g., genogram and eco map). APA Style 6th Edition Times New Roman Font Size 12 , Double Spaced