Sws4223 Nitrogen Assignment

Please review the assignment and my attempt attached bellow and complete the assignment correctly:
Use the provided course materials as reference and take into account the TA’s advice on what is incorrect with my current answer. Thank you.

Submission instructions:

Turn in this assignment as one Word document file (no pictures) by clicking on “Submit Assignment” located at the top right hand side of this page. You will need to create graphs using Excel. Copy those graphs into your Word doc prior to submission and be sure to answer all of the questions. Make sure that graphs are large enough to read all text. Refer to the grading rubric for this assignment to see how you will be scored. Please remember that cheating on these homework assignments (including sharing of graphs and answers) is strictly prohibited.

Assignment instructions:

Like the Carbon assignment, below the instructions is a table of data. Using the following data on decomposition of two types of leaf litter (Component A, Component B) at two different field sites (Site 1 and Site 2), perform the following tasks.

1. Make graphs (XY scatter, not a line graph!) to show changes with time in % Total N (measured % dry weight) the total mass of N (must calculate as litter mass x %N), and the C:N ratio. Make one graph for each parameter, and put all four species/site combinations on each graph (4 data series). Be sure to label your axes for each graph, and label which symbol corresponds to each species/site combination (legend).

** Based on the above analysis, answer the following questions:**

2. During the stages of decomposition (0-100 days vs. 200-500 days), what is happening to the amount of N in the different litter types (component A vs. B)? Are there differences in the patterns for each litter type and site combination? What process(es) are likely responsible?

3. Which litter component is of a better quality (A or B)? What N-related data support your conclusion?

4. Which site is more conducive to decomposition (1 or 2)? What N variables and patterns (in these data) explain your answer?