Tableau Project 40

The description of the project is this:

All questions for this assignment should be directed to the Tableau Help Desk listed on the first page of the assignment.

Students will collect and analyze data directly related to the Capstone simulation, and then produce a dashboard and visualizations to form conclusions and insights regarding that data. Each student will produce a 3-minute video responding to a set of questions about their findings, and then upload their email address and unlisted YouTube video link to Quizzes on Canvas. Additional details regarding this assignment will be provided on Canvas.

Please follow these instructions to download the Tableau software:

  • Download Tableau Desktop and Tableau Prep here: to an external site.
  • Select “Download Tableau Desktop” to get started. When prompted, enter your school email address rather than Business E-mail, and enter the name of your school for Organization.

For additional information on Tableau, please see the Data Analytics for University Students guide to get started in the handout.

NOTE: To retrieve the 3-years of Capstone simulation data, go to, click on “Continue to Reports” (about midway down the welcome page), then “Industry Reports,” and then “Capstone Courier.” Click the “View” button on each yearly round (ex. years 1,2, and 3), and you’ll see the data to copy on the first page entitled, “Selected Financial Statistics.”

After the class is over, students can individually request a free one-year license through the Tableau for Students program.

Don’t forget to add the links.

Don’t forget to write everything that you did in a paragraph.