Take-Home Exam #1: Philosophy of Race
General Instructions: Your completed exam must be turned in to me—via
online drop box—by 11:59 PM on Friday, March 8, 2024. Please type your
responses—double-spaced with one-inch margins. CITE any material you use.
The exam is worth 100 points ANSWER ALL QUESTIONS. (It is advisable to
have one citation per page and a minimum of five pages. Use any citation
style you prefer.)
1. What are segregationists, assimilationists, and antiracists as defined by
your book? Define each one and give examples from history or film/television
of each one. (Cite your textbook in your answer of this question.)
2. Give a critical assessment of Cornel West’s argument in the chapter, “A
Genealogy of Modern Racism.” (Meaning: give a very brief sketch of his
argument; then, give an example of how the normative gaze has day-to-day
consequence for people of color in America.) Finally, and more importantly,
critically discuss the chapter’s strengths and weaknesses. (This different from
the assignment you’ve done. This is asking you to be critical. You can use
some of your answer from the assignment, but this should be a wholly
different project. Focus on analyzing what he said; not just explaining it.)
3. What is implicit bias? What process in our brain do we use when we
engage our implicit biases? Why is implicit bias so difficult to root out of how
we think?