Dear Class,
As discussed, the exam will be open-book, open-notes, and you will not be allowed to collaborate with other students.
On the day of the midterm, there will be a Zoom session that you must enter prior to the exam. The link and passcode are listed below. Please be present at this session at 12:00PM. We will use the first 10 minutes prior to the exam to give instructions and guidance. If you experience technical difficulties or have questions regarding access to the BlackBoard during the exam (Blackboard related/technical questions only), please privately send those questions to my assistant Sabrina in the Zoom chat box (so you should have Blackboard and Zoom open in separate windows simultaneously). No additional time will be granted to anyone who starts late and there will be no opportunity to take a make-up exam.
The exam will start approximately at 12:10PM. You will have exactly 82 minutes to complete it. There will be 41 multiple choice, true/false, and fill-in-the-blank questions. You will not be able to jump between questions or go back to a question. If you skip a question, you cannot go back to it. In part because of this, I am giving you 2 minutes per question.
The exam will be located in the Course Documents link, which is on the left side of our class’s Blackboard page. After you click on “Course Documents”, you will see a link called “Midterm Exam” (it is not available now).
Also, again, just a reminder that students who are granted extra time to take exams should email a photocopy of their Student Accommodation Letter or Card from Student Disability Services to my assistant, Sabrina, and make sure you receive a confirmation of receipt from her. Her email address is It is the student’s responsibility to request accommodations. If you fail to send a photocopy of your letter or card, you will not be granted extra time.
I look forward to seeing everyone this Friday at 12:00PM and all other exam-related matters will be addressed at that time.
Prof. Melnik.