Sustainability encompasses more than we could possibly cover in one semester. Therefore, students will be researching sustainability topics outside of class time and sharing what they have learned with other students.
Find a TED Talk that relates to our course. You can search by topic on ted.comLinks to an external site.. or by finding the word “Discover” on your web browser or TED app. Videos in the Environment or Sustainability groups should be acceptable, but you can look at other topics like Agriculture, Pollution, Health, or Social Science for videos that relate to our course. If you are uncertain if your video is acceptable, email your instructor for verification.
Next, you will write a brief summary and reflection or assessment of the TED Talk. Your writing assignment must have the following sections. Sections must be properly labeled:
- Media Information: Provide information about your media content: Title, speaker, and direct web address.
- TedTalk Summary: In one or two paragraphs, summarize the TED Talk you watched.
- Critical Thinking: Include your thoughts about the content. What do you think about the information presented? Can this idea be expanded? Are there any concerns associated with their topic? Will people be accepting of this idea? What questions do you have? Explain. Here you will show your critical thinking skills by demonstrating you can process and evaluate information.
Note: Your opinion of the presenter or their presentation style is not what you are critiquing. You are evaluating the concept being presented!
- Course Connection: Tie your video content with our course. If we have talked about similar topics, discuss them. If we have not talked about anything related to your video, how does this information fit into the discipline of sustainability and the three pillars of sustainability? If you choose to discuss the three pillars, make sure you discuss all three dimensions (equity, economy, environment).
In this section, you are to show off your knowledge of course content so be sure to explicitly discuss how the topic is related to course content or the three pillars.
- Navigate to and search for an acceptable video for this assignment – topics listed above
- Submissions are limited to particular file types to reduce issues during grading. Make sure the application you use can save as a PDF or other acceptable file type
- Provide all required information listed above. All sections must be properly labeled.
- Your write-up should be at least one page. Therefore, at a minimum, you should start a second page. Double-spaced, normal font type and size
- Submit your completed writeup in this assignment