The Global Economy In The 21st Century Week 10 Discussion Climate Change And Natural Disasters

After you have read all of the materials associated with this week’s topic and watched the recommended videos (they are long but very informative), you probably have formulated your personal opinion about the following issue: is the international community making progress in addressing the problem of climate change and natural disasters?

For this discussion, express your opinion from one of these sides:

  • “Yes, the global community is making progress in addressing the problem of climate change and natural disasters” or
  • “No, it is not making progress”.

Please provide arguments explaining your position.

If both opinions are present in the discussion, we will have a real debate on the issue of climate change and its effects on our everyday life and our future.

Please remember that all submitted posts: essays, discussion forum and journal reflection posts you can use in your Final Research paper. Please save all your posts.

Discussion Expectations

  1. Visit the Forum site at least twice a week during two different days of this week and make a minimum of two direct responses to your peers. The responses should be well thought out and present relative information that has not already been posted.
  2. Post a minimum of two responses to your peers and show where you agree or disagree with their analysis and explain why. Be sure your posts are relative and succinct.
  3. As I read each week’s posts, I will be looking at the content of the posting as well as the overall subject matter. I am looking for quality of the post vs. the quantity of words of your posts.


James Boyce. Economics for People and the Planet : Inequality in the Era of Climate Change. Anthem Press, 2019. EBSCOhost

  • Chapter 9: Inequality and Environment
  • Chapter 10: Clean Air for All
  • Chapter 11: Letter from Flint
  • Chapter 12: Let Them Drink Pollution?
  • Chapter 13: Letter from Delhi

Salgado-Gálvez Mario A. “Estimating the Lost Economic Production Caused by Internal Displacement Because of Disasters.” International Journal of Disaster Risk Science, vol. 9, no. 4, 2018, pp. 496–506., doi:10.1007/s13753-018-0190-9.

Extreme Events : Observations, Modeling, and Economics, edited by Mario Chavez, et al., John Wiley & Sons, Incorporated, 2015. ProQuest Ebook Central

Porcelli, Francesco, and Riccardo Trezzi. “The Impact of Earthquakes on Economic Activity: Evidence from Italy.” Empirical Economics, vol. 56, no. 4, Apr. 2019, pp. 1167–1206. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1007/s00181-017-1384-5.

Kim, Hyun, and David Marcouiller. “Considering Disaster Vulnerability and Resiliency: The Case of Hurricane Effects on Tourism-Based Economies.” Annals of Regional Science, vol. 54, no. 3, May 2015, pp. 945–971. EBSCOhost, doi:10.1007/s00168-015-0707-8.

Note: For some of the readings this week, please make sure to click on “PDF Full Text” or “Download PDF” to access the whole article.


  • Climate Change and the Optimistic Future (4:30)

    Climate Change and the Optimistic Future (4:30)Professor Richard Muller, of Berkeley Earth Foundation, discusses his views on climate change and how he hopes we can leave a better planet for our children.

  • What Climate Change Would Actually Look Like (2:10)

    What Climate Change Would Actually Look Like (2:10)Data from Climate Central with artist Nickolay Lam

  • Global Warming – A video by NASA (5:48)
  • Global Warming – A video by NASA (5:48)The past decade has been the hottest ever recorded since global temperature records began 150 years ago. This video discusses the impacts of the sun’s energy, Earth’s reflectance and greenhouse gases on global warming.
  • 25 Of the Most Polluted Places in The World (6:22)

    25 Of the Most Polluted Places in The World (6:22)There are many ways you can classify pollution. It can be chemical, radioactive, or simply the presence of improperly disposed waste products. While some places, like Mexico City, have a very obvious problem with their heavy smog, do not be misled. The much more serene looking Lake Karachay in Russia would have you dead within an hour of sitting on its banks due to heavy radioactive contamination.

  • MOST BRUTAL Natural Disasters (6:41)

    MOST BRUTAL Natural Disasters (6:41)This video highlights the most brutal natural disasters of 2011.