The Impact Of Artificial Intelligence On Maintenance And Operation Facilities

Write report for The Impact Of Artificial Intelligence On Maintenance And Operation Facilities

all details about the requirement in the attachment file, but I also want to tell you about something that must write it:

First, I need to talk about the facility management…..etc?

Second, talk about maintenance: What is the maintenance? What types of maintenance? What tasks of maintenance…..etc?

Third, Talk about the AI: What is the AI? What are types of AI? What are tools of AI……etc?

Forth, How to compare or use AI in maintenance and operation inside the facility…etc?

Fifth, what is the impact to use AI: the cost when did? Efficiency of equipment? Failure of equipment? the life of equipment…..etc?

finally: recommend to use it or not and why? what is the positive and negative to use AI….etc?

Note: use new dates of papers research. Don’t use CHAT GPT. ALL papers I need references for it.

See attached and I need 60 Pages.