Two Sections For An Organization Against Domestic Violence

I have a project and I now work in the competitions department

A project for an organization against domestic violence, its basic idea is to involve men to stop domestic violence against women, because 80% of domestic violence is committed by males.

The idea of the organization is to raise awareness among men against domestic violence

This is the organization I work with and we’ll call it MAVericks but it under the Center of Family Justice

CT Crisis Services Center

This organization is its competitor

Fathers Day

I would like you to create a competition between my organization and the Separation House Organization, both of which are non-profit organizations. Nonprofits don’t necessarily want to take “business” away from others, but rather compete for money donated and time provided by volunteers.

I want everything to be competitive, even studying their social media accounts, and for everyone to sign up for more volunteers because that’s what we’re after.

The second part of the assignment is the 12-month plan

I want you to plan activities for the entire year for MAVericks

For example

Month 1:

Set up a schedule of events and activities for the year

Create social media accounts for MAVericks

Arrange for articles and interviews to launch

Launch MAFericks through the Center of Family Justice and social media (And then what that may look like)

Present to various targeted groups to recruit

Month 2

Initiate first ongoing activities

Have weekly posts to social media