Understanding Religion Pastoral Theology

1. (Original Content Only) (2 paragraphs) (APA citation)

Do some research to choose a book that meets your professional needs. Describe why the book meets your needs in 2 paragraphs.

Chosen book: Resolving Conflicts at Work: Ten Strategies for Everyone on the Job (2011), by Kenneth Cloke and Joan Goldsmith

2. (Original Content Only) (APA citations) (350 words for post) ( make sure to relate something specific from the referenced source within the post)

Source to reference and mention: Hawks, J., Garrett, M., & Marcus, B. P. (January 6, 2020). Separating Religion and Government…But What Is Religion?: A Look at the US Supreme Court. [Audio]. The Religious Studies Project.

Assignment 2: A Complicated Subject


As you probably knew well before signing up for this course, religion is a complicated subject. This is why it is so important to understand the myriad ways in which one might approach it and to understand that what religion is is different for everyone.


In dialogue with the materials for this week, what are some of the complications of studying religion that stand out to you, and why do you think you selected these complications (and not others)? Please give an example, real or fictional, that illustrates the complication that most stands out to you.


Please post your initial post (250-400 words) to the appropriate discussion thread no later than Thursday evening (11:59pm MT). Your post must dialogue with the readings and/or videos for this week, including proper APA citations. Then, get into 2-3 substantive conversations with your classmates before the close of the week, which is Sunday evening (11:59pm MT).

3. (Original Content Only) (summarize transcript of Biblical meeting) (300 words)

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And we got Steven. Is it Lonnie? Is that how you pronounce your name, Green? It’s Ione. Oh, Ione.

Yes, sir. It looks like an L, but I guess it’s an I. It always confuses people. All right.

Very good. And then we got Phyllis. We got Charita and Sydney.

Sydney and… Yes, I’m here. Sydney Borough. Great.

And is it Charita? Charita Lawson? Charita. Charita. Okay.

Can you turn on your video? Yes. There you go. Good.

Wonderful. Yeah, just one of the rules of the game that they want us to play here with Region is that we kind of show our video. That way, you know, we know that people aren’t walking away and not participating and so forth.

So we appreciate your understanding. I guess they’ve had some issues in the past. But I know y’all won’t do that.

Not at all. Well, we’re going to get started here in just a moment. We still got a couple more people chiming in and get rolling here.

So tonight, we’re basically going to have some introductions. I’ll have a little devotion before us. And then we’re going to roll into some of the material, you know, like I don’t even want to call it lecture material, but material about God’s calling.

It’s going to be a lot of fun. I’m really excited about what God has in store for us this evening. And I just want to hear y’all’s story.

So without further ado, though, why don’t we just go to the Lord in prayer, and then we’re going to kind of introduce ourselves. I can start introducing myself first, and then I’ll let you guys follow. Let us pray.

Heavenly Father, we thank you so much for the opportunity that we can come together as a body of Christ in this unique and very fascinating forum. Lord, I pray that you will just guide our discussion tonight, that you will show us the way, and you will guide us, Lord, on how we can understand the calling that you have given us in our lives. We thank you for the opportunity that region has afforded us here to be able to have this type of forum.

I finally pray, Lord, that you will be with those who are unable to join us for whatever reason, God, whether it be work, maybe they’re under the weather, so forth. God, we just pray that you give them mercy. Amen.

I’m not sure who’s talking there, but we’re going to open up. I’m going to start with John. So if you can kind of share your name, where you live.

You said Washington, but this is for everybody. Your ministerial call, where you feel God leading you, where God is calling you in ministry. And then finally, a goal that you might have for this class.

So why don’t we start with you, John? All right. All right. Thank you, Professor.

Everybody, my name is John Sheridan. I live in Washington State, the Northwest, if you will. And I’m currently working on a Christian ministry and pastoral counseling.

It’s a joint masters with Regent. And let’s see. I’m retired, but I really couldn’t retire.

So I carried on asking the Lord for the next chapter in my life. But right now I’m really praying about that. I go out in the streets once a week with some interruptions on occasion, but consistently once a week with a brother at church, we reach out to the homeless, food and water and blankets and offer them shelter through the rescue mission.

We actually are engaged with the rescue mission leadership there. And we do a lot of praying. And it’s amazing how many of the people on the streets love to be prayed on and pray over them.

And, you know, once in a while you find yourself getting caught up in the moment. And then you’ll hear and you might miss an opportunity, but you’ll hear them say, God bless you. And it gets your attention.

You say, God bless me. Let’s bless this moment and pray. So it’s like it happens all the time.

And just I really enjoy it. I was homeless about 45 years ago for a short time. And I know what foolish looks like.

So and I know I understand it to a certain degree. But anyway, I love these people and that’s what I’m doing. And I don’t know where the Lord leading me.

So I’m praying about it. Okay. Yeah.

So where where are you? I’m sorry. What did you do? You said you were retired. Okay.

I did 30 years in the military, 10 years active duty Navy, 10 years. Coast Guard Reserves are 10, 10 years. Yeah.

And then 10 years Army Reserves. It’s so half of it being active duty. I worked on tugs as a civilian for two decades on Navy tugs as a civilian.

So I would deploy, come back to my job there on the tug, go deploy again. So, yeah, I retired warrant. And yeah, I I’ve wondered about chaplaincy work, you know, and because I really am at home with people on their on their way out, if you will.

And we just did that recently with our I’m a member of Combat Vets International. And we prayed over this gentleman. Well, we have road names, but we pray.

I prayed over this brother and we did it together all day and on a third Thursday and he died the next day, but he he had accepted the Lord. So we know where he’s going to be just like the two thieves on the cross. Right.

Wow. Yeah. That’s pretty, pretty amazing stuff.

Thanks for sharing that. John. That’s awesome.

Thank you. Thank you. Mr. Steven.

Hey there. So my name is Steven Shelton. I live in Fort Worth, Texas with my wife and eight year old son, who I apologize.

Now may make an appearance through that door over there. I’m in, I’m in his room. It’s the only, it’s the only fairly quiet place I can find, but we’ve lived here for about seven and a half years now.

My wife is originally from California. We got married in 2012 and I moved there. Her parents are pastors in Southern California.

And so I moved there to work in the ministry youth worship, young adults about seven and a half years ago. I believe the Lord was calling us here to Texas to be a part of a, a local church here. And so we’ve been on staff here for about seven and a half years now.

My wife is the dean of students at the Bible college here. And I am the young adults pastor and also serving some other roles, TV ministry, creative worship, things like that, but just whatever, whatever the call is, whatever the opportunity is, we’re really blessed to be able to serve here at a place we love with people we love and admire. So have a one, one son, eight year old Joel and have been in the master’s program at region here for, I want to say this is a class number seven in the program.

So really enjoying it and learning a lot about myself sometimes too much about myself, but praise God for the good of others. I just love pastoring. I felt called to do that for most of my life and have been in ministry off and on since I was about 19 years old.

My first position as a youth pastor, I was 19 and had just fallen in love with, with the local church and serving God’s people. And I’ve served in mostly student ministries for that time and really embraced that call to raise up the next generation. So it’s been a privilege and a joy.

Amen. Amen. Well, thank you, Stephen.

We’re excited to hear all these talents that God’s really given you. I wish you could be at my church. We could use somebody like you.

Jack of all trades. That’s awesome. Thank you.

All right. Miss green. Hello everyone.

I am Ioni. My picture’s dark. I don’t know why I had to figure that out.

My name is Ioni Green. I currently live in Iowa Davenport. A lot of people confuse that with Ohio, but it’s Iowa Davenport.

I am currently living here with my two children and my husband. I did like 21 years or so in the military and it brought us here to Davenport, Iowa. As far as in the ministry, since we’ve been around in the military, I’ve been to a lot of different churches and function there.

So just think it’s time to stay put and learn more. So I can do more in the local church. As far as where God has taken me, I was looking into the chaplaincy, but I’m not sure if I’m called to be in the pastoral role or I’ve just need to go through the classes and then get to that part that I want to get to.

So need some guidance on that and waiting on God to lead me there. But otherwise I’m enjoying this class and this course so far and looking forward to working with y’all or learning with y’all. Absolutely.

Ioni. I think, yeah, this class is almost set up for success for you. It’s designed upfront to kind of help us explore what God’s called me.

It’s what that looks like, you know, and I’m excited for you. I think God’s got a lot for you during the eight weeks that we’re together. Okay.

Thank you. Amen. All right.

Cordell. Okay. I mean, I’m mute.

God bless everyone. Yes. My name is Cordell Carter.

I live in Norfolk, Virginia, right close to region, but I’m still online. But I thank God for this opportunity to share with you guys for this class. I had missed a few courses, but I’m back on this term course and I’m thank God for that.

But my wife and I’ve been here, I’ve been married for 53 years, and I’ve got three children that are grown and gone and on their own. I’ve been pastoring for the last 25 years here in Suffolk, Virginia, and I’m a retired army drill sergeant. And also I am a retired Navy naval architect.

Yes, I did both, but most of my reserve was in the army, but my main job was the naval architect at the shipyard here in Norfolk. But I’ve been doing some work overseas quite a bit over in Columbia or in Cartagena, matter of fact, and my son and I have been doing some work with the Afro Latino communities and they’re looking for something different or they call it evangelical. They used to Catholic, but we’re trying to introduce a little different genre to them on this time.

But locally I do the veterans emergency temporary shelter, transitional housing, those homeless veterans that have seemingly fallen through the crack. We house them and get them back on their feet, at least point them in the right direction, trying to get their paperwork back, right. DD 214s and all the other medical things that they need.

And also the PTSD persons, we work with them and get the mental health behavior things in line. And I’m looking for the next phase, what the Lord has me to do, I believe is evangelism and mission. We do a lot of outreach work here, feeding and clothing in our local community, but I’ve been going overseas and I kind of like to travel parts.

So I believe that’s the direction that Lord is leading me. And I’m just preparing myself for the next phase with this class and finishing up on my MDiv. Amen, man, you’re inspiring us.

Wow. I mean, you just got it all. You got 50 years of marriage.

You’ve been in the army, been in the Navy. You’re doing global missions. Man, I hope when I get to that point, I’ll be just like you.

That’s awesome, brother. That’s really inspiring. Thank you for sharing.

Yeah, we can learn a lot from you. We’re going to be pulling from your wealth of experience. Okay.

Okay. All right. God bless you all.

Bless you. Charles. Hello everyone.

My name is Charles DeWalt. I’m presently residing in North Carolina with my wife. As far as ministry goes, I’m primarily a teacher.

I teach most of whatever we’re going to teach of the youth and new converts in my class and our church. I assist with the outreach that we do around the church, around the neighborhoods and things like that. Overall, I enjoy teaching.

I’m not too much keen on being a pastor, but it seems like I’m being pushed that way anyway, reluctantly. But I do enjoy the interchanges with teaching. I like the questions that they ask.

I like the idea of being able to learn with them by taking them into the Bible so they can find their answer with me. I prefer for them to see it for themselves rather than me just tell them. I like for them to go in and we like to dig in and study.

And I’ve learned that when you do it that way, they tend to have a lot of questions that they normally wouldn’t ask. And it gives us something else to continue on with so that they don’t just cut it off and disappear. It gives them a hunger.

And I enjoy doing that. So overall in this class, I’m looking to see all that I can learn to see if pastoring is really where I need to go, or if I can just stay in the role of a teacher, which is what I truly like to do. Other than that, I’m in my last part of region.

I’m about ready to graduate. So I’m extremely happy, extremely happy. Other than that, that’s as new.

Congratulations, brother. Thank you, sir. You will certainly be praying for discernment and God’s will and a clear direction in your path.

Amen. Amen. And Sydney.

Hi there. I’m sorry. Oh, I’m so sorry.

Please say Cindy. Sorry. I didn’t see you Sydney.

Oh, were you, were you, did you mean Sydney Boros? Oh, sorry. Yes. Sydney Boros.

Sorry. Perfect. So I’m Sydney Boros.

I live in Sarasota, Florida with my, I have four sons. Three are have already left the home. One attends Regent university bachelors in person.

And I’m about halfway through with my master divinity. And in terms of calling still discerning that I really do love spiritual formation and I love theology. So I’m really excited about past the, actually the theology part of the pastoral theology.

I’m really excited about the books that you’ve chosen for the course. I’m digging into those and. And what else? So like, so where did you say you live? Sarasota, Florida.

Oh, Sarasota. Okay. Gotcha.

Yeah. I’m from Florida originally and I was actually going to be. I think it was first Baptist Sarasota there for a while.

Yeah. I’m sorry. You went to first Baptist Sarasota.

They interviewed me and it looked really good, but then God, God opened up another opportunity for me, but I really, I really love that area and the church, the family there was so wonderful. Oh yeah. We love living there.

It’s great. So yeah, thank you. Yeah.

I’m from Deland, Florida. Do you know where that is? I’ve heard of it. Where is that? It’s near Daytona beach.

It’s kind of central Florida there. Okay. Yeah.

Well, I’m in Colorado right now for spring break, but. For a little change of weather and some skiing. Oh yeah.

Yeah. Good for you. Yay.

Well, thanks for sharing that Sydney. Thank you. Yeah.

All right. So we have, is it Sharita? Right? Hi, it’s Sharita. I live in Leavenworth, Kansas.

There is a Leavenworth, Washington. So when he said Washington, you know what? I live in Leavenworth, Kansas. I have been married for 27 years.

Yeah. 27 years. I think somewhere in there.

To combat vet. We have eight children. Over 10 grandchildren.

You know, so I lose birthdates and stuff like that in there. All of my children are. Grown technically.

I have one daughter that is autistic. So sometimes she might be in the background. She’s not here today.

So she might be in the background. When I started at region. I found it.

I put this in my hello introductions. But I found it on the internet. On Facebook.

Really so for years as I go, I know I want to get a master’s. My bachelor’s in mass media, public relations. Emphasis.

And I knew I wanted to get a. Master’s, but I didn’t know when, what, so I didn’t mess. So one day I was scrolling through and I’m like, oh, Regis. Oh, they have this.

Let me go check this out. And so I checked that out. Then I talked to my mom.

You also. Pass her. She’s masters in divinity.

Christian education and pastoral. Care. Is her degrees.

And she’s like, oh, yes, you’d be fine doing that. I’m like, okay. I trust my mom.

Okay. So I signed up. Last minute.

Everything worked out. So I figured God’s opening up this door. How everything is falling in line.

I have no idea what I’m going to do with the degree. But I’m trusting God that he’s going to open up that door. Once it’s time for it to be open for me.

Currently. I, I am ordained as an evangelist. So I, I do help out on the church.

I’ve been from the door. To the pulpit. But I don’t think that’s the pastor is not.

In my calling. I don’t feel that way. I’m not going to say that never worked.

Those always seem to come true for me. I’m not sure what else I want to. Like I said, I don’t know what I want to do.

When I get finished. I also currently work for the IRS. For 16 years.

So I do like to. Minister to other people or just, you know, seeing. People seem to be drawn to me and.

You know, questions here, questions there, or prayer here, prayer here. So I’m just waiting for the Lord to tell me. Or to show me what it is.

That he would like me to be. Yeah, no, that’s great. That’s great that sometimes that’s what it takes.

It’s just listening to what God has and. You know, being patient in the Lord. I love, you know, the Psalms and especially where it says.

I think it’s 42, 10 that says. Be still and know that I am God. And that that’s a hard place to be, especially in that.

Very fast paced world that we live in. We want answers right here, right now. But God’s timings is not always our timing.

So. Amen. Amen.

I will certainly be praying for you, Sharita. And God has big plans for you. We just need to listen.

Thank you. That’s awesome. Kenneth.

All right. Can you hear me? We can hear you loud and clear. All right.

All right. Good evening, everyone. My name is Kenneth Bailey.

I reside in Newport news, Virginia. And I’m associate minister at the historic first Baptist church. Williamsburg, Virginia.

And my sister superintendent. Of our Sunday school. I do a lot of evangelism.

A lot of outreach. I’ve been involved in the, in the prison ministry. The Lord blessed me with a business, quality concrete service.

And me and the facility, the institutions in the Williamsburg, Newport news area, we came together in a partnership. And just before the inmates get out, they will, they will allow them to come on work release with me. Wow.

Yeah. And I would, you know, share with them. I would watch them.

I would, you know, look and see what gifts they have. And some I help fill out applications, you know, quality concrete service that’s construction. And that’s how, you know, everybody’s not meant for that.

So I would, I would quietly tell them that, look, this is not for you, but I’m going to help you get a job, you know? So God has been blessing me with that. And my goal for this class here, I’m pursuing a master’s in church leadership. You know, I’ve heard a lot of pastors and people talk about the dynamics of the church, but I just really want to know for myself, because I hear different stuff just like at my church.

Now we have just become incorporated. You know, and that’s a big step. And some of these, the incorporation, you know, has a lot of protection, you know, and that’s why when I, when I, when I saw the book ministry and the law had really raised my conscious because I really want to, to know what’s, what’s, you know, what the law and the church, but the law and the church, you know, but other than that, God has been good to me.

He is still speaking to me. I just want to get as many tools as I can under my belt so that when he do call me to do something else, I really want to be prepared because, you know, I’m sold out to God, you know, I made a promise to him and he made a promise to me and he is keeping his promise and I’m going to keep mine. Amen.

Amen. So tell me a little bit more about your prison ministry. How did you get involved with that? Well, well, I’m going to tell you the truth.

I was incarcerated for about three months. Okay. And, and when I was there, I thought I had, you know, I really thought I had let my family down because I had known of anybody else in my family that went to jail.

And, and I was there praying to God, you know, because my grandmother always told me, she said, talk to God, you know, read the Bible. I said, well, where? She said, just open it. And that’s what I did.

You know, I opened it. And my favorite scripture now is seek ye first, the kingdom of God and his righteousness and all these other things will be added unto you. So at that time incarcerated, I learned how to prioritize.

I learned how to listen to God. And what I learned was, Hey, you must put God first. And when you’re in a situation like, like, like I was, you know, you, you need God and I wanted to really help my brothers and my sisters.

So I began to, God just began to help me to meet people, you know, and I finally met a chaplain at the Southeastern correction ministry in Hampton, Virginia. And, and I came on board and they, they trained me. We had all kinds of workshops about aftercare and those sort of things with the prison ministry.

And you know, just one thing just led to another. Amen. It is interesting how God takes us on those journeys.

And then all of a sudden things become even more clear. You know, we might have to be in that trench. We might have to be, you know, in that present prison cell like Paul and be able to be, you know, these opportunities that God has before us.

So thank you for sharing Ken. He just wanted to get my attention, you know, when I was out in the world, it was so many distractions, but when I got in that cell, it was me and God. Yeah.

And it’s me and God now. Praise the Lord. Well, thank you for your testimony and sharing that with us.

That’s awesome. Thank you. All right.

So I’m going to butcher this name here. Chizuru. Chizuru.

How do you say it? Chizuru. Chizuru. Yeah, correct.

Chizuru. Chizuru. Chizuru.

Yes. Actually, it’s a local name. I’m native Nigerian.

It means God is sufficient for me. That’s the meaning of that name, Chizuru. I am a priest of the Anglican church.

I was called into priesthood some years back. Originally, I was a chemist. I wanted to go into medicine, but God arrested me to be a priest, and I became a priest.

And I sort of developed myself, you know, to know more about God and his attributes. And first I went to Houston University, formerly Houston Baptist University. But I didn’t really like the curriculum.

It wasn’t practical. So until I found Regents, one of my priest friends introduced me to Regents. I found Regents, and I looked at the curriculum.

It was so practical. And I fell in love with it. And I enrolled.

And this class, Pastoral Theology, is my last class for my Master of Divinity. And I major in New Testament, Master of Divinity. I just want to know much about pastoral theology.

This is my first time of hearing about pastoral theology, theology of the pastor. I have heard about other theologies, but I really want to, you know, really understand pastoral theology.
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