Week 2 Discuss Your Roadmap To Career

Discuss Your Roadmap to Career Success

There is an old saying, “If you don’t know where you’re going, any road will take you there.” Unfortunately, many people end up in unsatisfying careers simply because they don’t have a career roadmap. Prior to the advent of Google Maps and other satellite navigation services, people going on a road trip would buy a map or road atlas from a gas station. They would calculate the total number of miles to drive each day to reach the final destination and locate places along the route to stop for breaks or stay the night at a hotel.

It can be helpful to think of your career as a road trip. Each of you are at different points in this trip. If you have little or no formal work experience and you are younger, you are closer to the beginning of the trip. If you’ve been working for many years, you may be getting closer to your final destination—retirement. All those points along the way represent the choices you’ll make that will determine the success of the trip. Similarly, you may make a wrong turn in your career by taking on a role that is a bad fit for you. On the other hand, you might end up on an interesting detour and choose a path that you hadn’t expected to that turns out surprisingly well.

For your initial post, please respond to the following questions.

  • Where are you at on your career road trip?
  • So far, would you say you have taken any wrong turns? Have you had any career detours?
  • What does your destination look like? How far away is it?