Week 2 Discussion Annual Reports What They Are And Why Investors Care

Pick your favorite publicly traded company and find its Income Statement or Balance sheet, provide a link to the page (e.g. and describe what you see – what is the health of the company and identify any risks you see.

In your response don’t simply agree and thank the author for their submission. Treat this as you would a classroom discussion where you ask questions, perhaps you disagree, perhaps you have an example to bring to the discussion. If you do ask a question be sure to come back to that thread and read the response. I also encourage external resources for your posts and please be sure to cite them properly.

Week 2 Readings

Week 2 Readings

Financial Management: Theory and Practice – Chapter 3 (pp.101-136)

Please read Chapter 3 in our course’s textbook to better understand this week’s concepts.

SEC Beginners’ Guide to Financial Statements: Investor Publications

This brochure is designed to help you gain a basic understanding of how to read financial statements. Just as a CPR class teaches you how to perform the basics of cardiac pulmonary resuscitation, this brochure will explain how to read the basic parts of a financial statement. It will not train you to be an accountant (just as a CPR course will not make you a cardiac doctor), but it should give you the confidence to be able to look at a set of financial statements and make sense of them.

Coca-Cola Financial Statement: Annual Report

Many of the financial statements you need to understand a company are contained in its annual report.

This is the book: It’s the Finance book.

The login is:

The password is: Budbud20!

The writing posts are in APA 7th edition format.

Two peer responses will come later.