- This is the book: It’s the Leadership book.
- The login is:
- The password is: Budbud20!
- APA 7th Format.
- Read the case, A Dream Denied on pages 116-118 of your textbook (Chapter 3). Answer the questions related to the case. Your Case Analysis Paper should provide a cohesive narrative fully addressing the questions and recapping the relevant data and findings from the article. Please include the Case Analysis questions in your narrative. In-text citations for the textbook are (Daft, 2023) or (Daft, 2023, p. XXX). You should include citations to the source case throughout your paper and in a References page on the last page of your paper. You do not need to identify and include any additional references beyond the source case for this Case Analysis paper.
- Please use APA format for this case analysis as outlined in the APA Format Template provided. Also remember that you should aim for a 1,000 word minimum for Case Study assignments, as these are more comprehensive assignments than the Leadership Reflection Questions (750 word minimum).
- This assignment submission uses SafeAssign, a plagiarism detection tool, to check for the originality of your work. Although references beyond the source article are not required for this paper, if you do use sources, be sure that they are properly cited with in-text citations and an entry on the reference list. The case should also be cited and referenced.