Writing Project 3 The Research Based Argument Draft

TASK for DRAFT (STEROID Era in Baseball)

The research-based argument is the culmination of your semester-long research project. In this paper, you will make an argumentative claim on a significant topic; this claim should be developed and supported by summarizing, analyzing, and synthesizing perspectives from sources. You will demonstrate your skill in articulating complex ideas, examining claims and evidence found in your research materials, supporting your ideas with relevant reasons and examples, sustaining a coherent discussion, and employing rhetorical strategies to convince your readers to agree with your stand on the issue or at least to believe in the soundness and reasonableness of your position.

You will complete a required rough draft of your research-based argument. The draft should be at least 1,000 words long and should include a working introduction, your argumentative thesis, parts of your argument including the counterargument or alternative perspectives, and a working conclusion. The final paper will be 2,000 words, so the more you do on the rough draft, the more feedback you will receive.

Grading Criteria:
Research and Writing knowledge – 50 points

  • The writer makes a clear and nuanced argumentative claim about a significant topic or problem.
  • The writer supports the claim throughout the essay by providing necessary background information, evidence, and examples to fully explain the claim and persuade the reader.
  • The writer evaluates and integrates evidence and connects the evidence to the overall argument.
  • The writer identifies alternative positions on the claim, fairly evaluates these positions, and integrates these positions into their own focused argument.
  • The writer integrates evidence from popular and academic sources by using appropriate paraphrases, summaries, and quotes.

Attribution and Citation – 10 points

  • The writer attributes and cites sources correctly by using signaling phrases, in-text citations, and works cited/reference page.

Genre conventions – 30 points

  • The writer uses a consistent organizational structure throughout the argumentative essay.
  • The argumentative essay includes an engaging introduction, unified body paragraphs, a satisfying conclusion, and appropriate transitions.
  • The writer’s choices related to word selection and sentence structure are appropriate for the audience and purpose.
  • The writer pays careful attention to vocabulary, grammar, punctuation, spelling, and formatting to accurately convey meaning and build credibility.

Writing Process – 10 points

  • The writer created multiple drafts of the research plan and participated in instructor conferences.
  • Successive drafts of the essay demonstrate the ability to explore and develop ideas, learn from instruction, apply feedback, and self-correct.
