Ageism In Legislative Bodies A Comparative Analysis Of The Uk Parliament And Us Congress Quot

Literature Review

Find 5 journal articles that address the topic you wish to discuss and get approval from Instructor.Place articles in APA Reference format and include copies for the instructor to review. Discuss the purpose of each article, the research question in each article, and the results of each article.

Provide a 2-paragraph summary of each article, followed by a comparative summary of the 5 journal articles and show where your research question for your topic paper fits into the summary. Include in each journal article:

1. The Introduction, which stats basic objectives of the study and explains why the topic is important.

2. The Literature Review, which defines the purpose of the each article, the purpose of the article, the research question, the model, and the results of each article, and a brief summary, which contains articles related to your topic.

3. Statement of Problem: define your you research question by defining the topical point you are interested in investigating. Example: Why are prices of petrol different in different locations?

4. Data Collection: develop a data base relevant to your problem. The instructor will assist you in finding data appropriate for your topic and help you to develop a database to analysis your data.

5. Economic Analysis: this section will use any one or more methods of analysis:

5.1. Comparative analysis

5.2. Empirical analysis (uses data)

5.3. Combination of the two

6. Results: the results and conclusions of your analysis.

7. Conclusions: provides a short section of what you have learned,

Summarize your paper and discuss future research possibilities (a minimum of two pages)

6. References (Provide an APA formatted reference for each citation citated in your paper): References that do not contain an in-paper citation in the reference section will results in 5-point deductions.