Assignment 9509

NURS 309 Implementing Telehealth in a Health Care System Guidelines

Situation: Providing access to patient care is critical for all health care organizations.

Telehealth and telemedicine are the future of health care as a means to deliver patient care at

a distance or where there is little access to care. But is the process always the best means for

providing care? If so, what are the limitations and barriers to the success? How can telehealth

or telenursing be incorporated into everyday nursing practice?

Assignment Instructions:

1. Construct a three- to five-page APA-formatted paper (not including title and reference


  • Include at a minimum the use of Level 1, Level 2 and Level 3 headings.
  • 2. Interpret and analyze the following bolded topics and subtopics (required) to guide

    the flow of discussion in your paper:

  • Introduction (no heading)
  • Define telehealth, telemedicine, and telenursing. (Level 2 heading)
  • o How do these models differ? (Level 3 heading)

    o How is each of these applied to practice? (Level 3 heading)

    o What is required to implement a system? (Level 3 heading)

    o Examine the pros and cons of implementing such as system. Is

    one system better? (Level 3 heading)

  • Discuss how each would be implemented at the operational level. (Level
  • 2 heading)

    o Telehealth (Level 3 heading)

    o Telemedicine (Level 3 heading)

    o Telenursing (Level 3 heading)

    o Conclusions you draw from review of the literature (Level 3


  • Discuss how each of these would be implemented at the organizational
  • level. (Level 2 heading)

    o Are there key differences in each of telehealth, telemedicine,

    and telenursing? How would they impact implementation at

    the organizational level, if at all?

  • Conclusion
  • o What conclusions did you draw from exploration of this topic

    o What recommendations would you make at the operational and

    organizational levels?