Your assignment is to read one book from the list provided in class, my book is “The Death of Money” by James Rickards, which deals with topics relevant to Money & Banking. You will then write a full synopsis of the book, with commentary. Summarize what the author is saying, think through the main points, and articulate the strengths of the work and key takeaways, as well as any concerns or issues you have with his/her approach. Then consider how a Christian faith perspective might inform the topic and evaluate what impact this ethical worldview might have on the issues raised. Finally, assess the work, considering how the author made his/her points, the areas where the work was most effective, and what they could have done to improve upon it. What questions were left unanswered? What additional issues could have been raised? Could a different method of articulating the points have been more effective? The final essay is designed to run about 5 1/2 to 8 pages, double-spaced, in 12-point type, with no more than 1-inch margins. Do this in APA format.