Capstone Assignments

Assignments :

Module 2

  • Submit Business Challenge Selection + Research Summary

Business Challenge Link (Please select one)

Please answer the questions below and share your summary of research for your selected business challenge (5 minimum research links):

  • Describe which aspects of the business case you selected were exciting and why?
  • Share your thinking and how you have begun understanding the problems within your business case.
  • Which issues were you curious about and why?
  • How has this problem impacted the people and environment?
  • How has your secondary research helped deepen your ability to define the problem areas?

Submit online or as a .pdf (500 words max)

2. Double Diamond Quiz

Please answer these following four questions:

(1) What are the 4 phases in the Double Diamond?

(2) Which council created the methodology?

(3) What happens in Phase One?

(4) Which phases leverage “divergent” thinking?

Module 3 1. Submit Problem Statement

Step 1: Please share your problem statement for your selected business case:

  • Use the template below as a guide

Step 2: As a challenge, can you write it in ONE concise sentence?

Submit online or as a .pdf (250 words max)

Module 4

1. SWOT Analysis

Please share your SWOT analysis regarding your problem statement. What were your findings?

Here are the steps to follow:

Step 1: Write down at least 2-3 bullet points for each of the SWOT elements (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats).
Step 2: Post your analysis on this discussion board.
Step 3: Review and comment on another classmate’s SWOT analysis. Is there an additional idea that you can contribute or strengthen?

In a business setting, it is typically best to conduct a SWOT analysis with your entire team.
(Note: Discussion will count towards your participation grading)

[Template for Post]

I choose Business Challenge [add 1-3]
My problem statement was … [add statement]


– Point #1
– Point #2
– Point #1
– Point #2
– Point #1
– Point #2
– Point #1
– Point #2

Module 5

1.Crazy 8’s + Peer Review Exercise

Please upload your Crazy 8’s drawing / sketch (image) and answer the following questions:

  • How did you feel after this session? Why?
  • Did you enjoy this practice or what is difficult? Why?

Students, please review at least one classmate’s post on what you find interesting about their creativity and originality. (Please note that comments count towards your participation grades). If not assigned, please comment on anyone else’s post! Thank you!

2. Submit Ideation Summary

Please share your ideation summary:

  • Describe your top 2-3 solution ideas & why you feel they are the most impactful?
  • Which do you feel is your strongest idea? Why?
  • Who will these ideas impact the most?

Submit online or as a .pdf (500 words max)

Module 6 1. Forum: Crowdsourcing + Peer Review

First, share your final solution and ask for feedback from your peers. Please submit early in week if possible for ease of peer reviews assignments.
When providing feedback, it’s essential to ask at least one question to get their input. For example, you could ask whether they think a particular feature would be useful to the user and why, or what they would add to the platform if they were using it.

Second, please provide feedback to one of your fellow classmates post in this thread. AUTOMATIC ASSIGNMENTS ON NOV. 8.
To help structure your feedback, you can use the provided template or create your own. The goal is to leverage the collective intelligence and creativity of the group to generate ideas and improve the solutions presented.

Good luck, and let’s get started!


Template post:

Challenge: [Enter Business Challenge #]

I’m working on a [share final solution] for [specific user group] and I’ve landed on this final solution [because…]. I’m confident it’ll be effective for this group because [rationale}, but I’m struggling with:

Example questions to ask your peers:
– Which features could be most important to solve this problem regarding this user group, what features should I be exploring?
– If you were one of my users, what would you expect to see?
– What are pitfalls that I should be considering?
Which elements are really strong in my solution that I should keep refining?

Module 7 1. Submit Innovation Criteria Summary

For the Innovation Criteria assignment, you will submit a summary review of your final solution based on all four innovation criteria:

  • desirability
  • viability
  • feasibility
  • integrity

You will evaluate your final solution based on how well it meets these criteria. Remember how you are building your argument for your business case and these analysis will support your rationale and selection. Please keep in mind that this is a mock solution, and you should consider factors such as budget constraints, depending on the context of the organization, such as a startup, non-profit academic institution, or pharmaceutical organization.

Submit online or as a .pdf (500 words max)

Module 8 1. Submit Final Report Outline and Research Link

Your outline submission should demonstrate your ability to present a clear narrative, showcase critical thinking skills, and provide evidence to support your final solution recommendation. Please include your cited research summary and links (minimum of 9).

Remember to discuss:

    • Challenge secondary research
    • Problem statement & evidence from research
    • SWOT analysis
    • Ideation summary
    • Final solution selection
    • Innovation criteria
    • Possible further qualitative research
    • Final solution recommendation

Submit online or as a .pdf

(Please see Module 8 – Start Here, for specific example in how to write your outline)

Module 9 1. Submit Final Capstone Report

Assignment Due:

As the consultant for your selected business challenge, your clients now expect to hear your recommendation.

You will submit a full 30-page report on your selected business challenge and why you’ve landed on the most impactful final solution after using the innovation framework. You will discuss your challenge research, your problem statement, which solution options you explored and why, and deliver an argument for why your final solution using the innovation criteria. Please note: you’ve spent the last 9-10 weeks compiling this report’s different aspects. Please ensure all elements build upon one another into one cohesive story.

All submissions must be .pdfs, in size 12 font, with APA-7 guidelines.

Please ensure to include footnotes and appendices, your research references (minimum of 9) will be checked.
Advised to have the writing center review all papers for grammar and spelling corrections before submission.

Page count includes title and reference pages. However, full-page graphics are not advised given that this is a writing assignment to tell a cohesive story. Graphics may take up 1/3 or 1/4 of the page.

APA-7 supplemental resources here:

  • to an external site.
  • to an external site.
  • to an external site.