Encryption And Hashing Lab

Lab I – Encryption and Hashing

Lab Goals

  • Perform the steps to encrypt and hash files.

Lab Purpose

The purpose of this lab project is to use the GNU Privacy Guard Utility (GPG) to encrypt and decrypt files. In addition, you will use the sha1sum utility to generate a hash for a file.

Lab Resources

Walkthrough videos are included in the instructions below for most tasks.

Lab Instructions


  • You will need to access an up-to-date Linux virtual machine installed locally or in the cloud. Ubuntu is used in the videos below and is recommended for this lab. You may use your own distribution of choice, but your instructor may not provide technical support for distros other than Ubuntu.


  • Screenshot extensions in the examples described below are .png, but you can also use .jpg or .jpeg.


Your shell prompt must include an easily identifiable username for you as a student. This means it should consist of your first and or last name, or first initial and last name. If it does not, you have two options:

  • Create a new user on your system with a suitable username.
  • Before taking a screenshot, echo your First and Last name to the screen and ensure it is included in each screenshot.

Failure to do so will result in a zero score and may result in an academic integrity violation report.

Part 1 – Generate public/private key pairs with GPG.

  1. Watch the video found in the link below and follow along on your system. When finished, take lab_i_screenshot_1.png as indicated in the video.

Note: In this video, when the presenter performs the gpg -k command for the first time, no output is shown. However, when you perform the command for the first time you may see an output message, which is normal and expected.

Part 2 – Encrypt a file using your public key and then decrypt the same file with your private key.

  1. Watch the video found in the link below and follow along on your system. When finished, take lab_i_screenshot_2.png as indicated in the video.

Part 3 – Export your public key to a file and display it in its full length.

  1. Watch the video found in the link below and follow along on your system. When finished, take lab_i_screenshot_3.png as indicated in the video.

Part 4 – Create a new user and have that user import the public key from Part 3.

  1. Watch the video found in the link below and follow along on your system. When finished, take lab_i_screenshot_4.png as indicated in the video.

Part 5 – Decrypt a message with your private key that was encrypted by another user with your public key.

  1. Watch the video found in the link below and follow along on your system. When finished, take lab_i_screenshot_5.png as indicated in the video.

Part 6 – Hashing a file.

  1. Complete the written steps below.
    1. You will generate a hash for a file on your system. Choose any file, it could be one of the files mentioned in the videos above.
    2. Enter the following command: sha1sum [name_of_your_file_here]
    3. This will generate output, similar to the example shared below.
    4. Take a screenshot of the output and name it lab_i_screenshot_6.png

Part 7 – Build and Submit Lab Report

  1. Create a lab report in your word processing application (Word, Google Docs, etc.).
    1. Your lab should be organized as follows:
      1. Title page or page heading with your name, course number, assignment name, professor’s name, and date.
      2. Insert your screenshots. You must put them in sequential order, and you must label each screenshot. Labeling them means it should look like this:

Title Page

New Page

Screenshot 1 Label (describe the screenshot)

< Screenshot 1 goes here>

Screenshot 2 Label (describe the screenshot)

< Screenshot 2 goes here>

and so on …

Note: You must ensure that your screenshots are easy to read. Your screenshots should contain the output that shows you clearly successfully completed the tasks in the corresponding video. You do not need to show every step and every command, instead, ensure you captured the end result that was specified at the end of the video. Double-check to ensure your full name or first initial and last name is part of the shell prompt or that you added an echo statement with your first and last name before taking each screenshot.

  1. Verify that you have inserted your screenshots and have the report formatted correctly.
  2. Submit the completed Word document to this area before the deadline. You may also save/convert it as a PDF before submitting it. This must be submitted as an attachment, not a link.

Lab Complete!