Need 5 ppt differently
Assignment Content
- Find the Case Study entitled “Google Losing Revenue in Dispute over Placement of Ads” Case Study at the end of Chapter 9 in Reynolds (2018). Choose ONE of the discussion questions described at the end of the case study. Make a note of the page number in the textbook where you found the question. You will use it for your in-text citation in the slides.Open ITM505-CaseStudy-Template. From the File menu choose “Make a Copy” and rename the slides “Firstname-Lastname-Session5 Case Study.” Ensure you “Share” the Google Slide link so it works for all students and instructors, copy the ONE question you chose from the case study into the second slide. Be sure to include the in-text citation (Reynolds, 2018, p. x). Because you are directly quoting the Case Study question, the page number (…, p. x) should be substituted for x in the in-text citation.Follow the instructions within the template to do an ethical analysis of the question. Work with a classmate(s) to ensure that you are providing your own personal analysis and response to the Case Study questions. Duplicate Body Slides as needed.Slide Requirements
- brief text points — no more than six words on a line, six lines on a page
- sans-serif font (e.g. Arial, Helvetica, Tahoma, etc.)
- contrasting colors for font and background
- picture on every slide (except title slides)
Assessment Rubric
- 70% – Personal insight and examples in 1 – 2 paragraph comments, bullets, pictures
- 20% – Slide requirements
- 10% – Grammar, Fluency, citations/references for ideas that are not yours
Assignment Format: Google slides – bullet points, pictures, and commentsSubmission Format: Named Google Slide linkLength: 6 x 6 rule when noted, comments (1 – 2 paragraphs) Citations Required: Only if citing a source for content that is not yours