Create a powerpoint presentation and a write-up based on your chosen scenario. Follow the instructions in the document provided above.
Both the write-up and the video must be submitted by the due date.
NURS 684 Signature Assignment
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeDiagnosis definition/ symptoms/ Prevalence Risk factors30 points
35 to >31.15 pts
Demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the diagnosis, prevalence, and risk factors and are accurately supported by evidence based information.
31.15 to >25.9 pts
Demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the diagnosis, prevalence, and risk factors and are accurately supported by evidence- based information.
25.9 to >17.5 pts
Needs Improvement
Needs improvement in demonstrating an understanding of the diagnosis, prevalence and risk factors and has more than 50% of these elements.
17.5 to >0 pts
Demonstrates a lack of understanding of the diagnosis, prevalence and risk factors and is missing more than 50% of these elements..
35 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomePatient presentation, pathophysiology, assessment, and differential diagnosis30 points
35 to >31.15 pts
Demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the expected patient presentation, pathophysiology, and assessment for the selected condition.
31.15 to >25.9 pts
Demonstrates a good understanding of the expected patient presentation, pathophysiology, and assessment for the selected condition.
25.9 to >17.5 pts
Needs Improvement
Needs improvement in demonstrating an understanding of the expected patient presentation, pathophysiology, and assessment for the selected condition and has more than 50% of these elements.
17.5 to >0 pts
Demonstrates a lack of understanding of the expected patient presentation, pathophysiology, and assessment, for the selected condition and is missing more than 50% of these elements.
35 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeEvidence based management plan: Includes patient education, prognosis, and potential side effects and the role of the FNP30 points
30 to >26.7 pts
Provides a sophisticated understanding of evidence-based management plan, patient education, potential side effects and the role of the FNP.
26.7 to >22.2 pts
Provides a good understanding of evidence-based management plan, patient education, potential side effects and the role of the FNP.
22.2 to >15.0 pts
Needs Improvement
Needs improvement in providing a fair understanding of evidence- based management plan, patient education, potential side effects and the role of the FNP and has more than 50% of these elements.
15 to >0 pts
Provides a lack of understanding of evidence- based management plan, patient education, potential side effects and the role of the FNP and has less than 50% of these elements.
30 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeVideo Presentation40 points
40 to >35.6 pts
Completes a sophisticated 3–5-minute video explaining information with all required details. Presentation is effective (content, rate, clarity
35.6 to >29.6 pts
Completes a good 3–5-minute video explaining most of the required information. Presentation is mostly effective (content, rate, clarity).
29.6 to >20.0 pts
Needs Improvement
Completes a fair 3–5-minute related to the diagnosis with vague content and/or unclear audio, or presentation is ineffective (content, rate, clarity).
20 to >0 pts
Completes less than a 3 minute video related to the diagnosis with vague content and/or unclear audio
40 pts
This criterion is linked to a Learning OutcomeReferences10 points
10 to >8.9 pts
Provides at least 2 scholarly evidence-based references that support the information in the video. Supplements case study with relevant and appropriate research into the present case study; clearly and thoroughly documents all sources of information.
8.9 to >7.4 pts
Provides at least 1 scholarly evidence-based references that support the information in the video.
7.4 to >5.0 pts
Needs Improvement
Provides references that are not scholarly evidence-based or do not support the information in the video.
5 to >0 pts
Provides reference/s that is not evidence-based or does not support the information in the video.
10 pts
Total Points: 150