The main purpose for the research is ” Whatare the variables that make some statesbudget more to their military expenditures ? ” .. in the research we will have one dependent variable and five independent variable which should have a positive effect to the dependent variable. The dependent variable is ” Military spending” , the data source is from SIPRI. the five independent variables are ” GDP, Trade, Population, Natural resources”, the source for those data from World bank data. The Fifth variable is democracy ” polity ” the source of this data is from Polity5. The research should include run regressions from STATA for the different independent variables compared the dependent variables, it should have some charts. each variable must have two minimum articles or paper support your hypothesis. I will attach a sample paper ” Bearing the Defense Burden, 1886-1989WHY SPEND MORE? BENJAMIN E. GOLDSMITHDepartment of Political ScienceNational University of Singapor” so you can follow it as a references. The papers or articles that you are going to use recommended to come from google scholar. I will attach a PowerPoint Presentation to give a hint for the research how looks like. The regression will be of 21 countries covering 20 years from 1998 to 2018, the countries are the highest countries in each continent in spending on their military: Africa ” Morocco, and Egypt ” Asia” Russia,China, India, Israel, Saudi Arabia, KreaSouth, Japan, and Iran”, Europe ” France, Germany, Italy, Netherlands, Poland, Ukraine, and United Kingdom.” North America: United States, Canada, and South America: Brazil, Australia. I will attach as well the excel data so you don’t need to get it from their sources, you can just use them directly in running the regression. when you run the regression use the long format not wide , the command i s” reshape long yr, i(countryname) j (year )