you see? (Generally avoid using long strings of words; selective use of a

For your post this week, see the following directions: To get to our library’s databases, go to > Library. • Enter a search term relevant to your topic in the search bar. Click “Search.”What kinds of results do you see? (Generally avoid using long strings of words; selective use of a few keywords usually improves search results.) • Add an additional search term. How does this change the results? In order to put your results into a broader context, search for information on the Web: • Point your Web browser to • Try the same search you did in OneSearch. • Consider how the information retrieved from Google might be used as further evidence in your information investigation. Choose a result:  Find a web source that appears especially relevant to your topic. URL: __________________________________________ State briefly how you might use this source to strengthen your presentation. (Your answers to some of the previous questions about the source may help with considering this.) 1.How does the information found through Google compare with that retrieved from the library’s OneSearch? 2.How do your search experiences in Google and OneSearch compare? 3.Describe 1-2 differences and 1-2 similarities between the type of information you located through OneSearch and the information found through Google. Do these differences suggest anything about how to use library databases or Google for your academic work? Take a few sentences to review your classmate’s post about their research. What do you find interesting about their findings? What recommendations, do you have for them? Do you know of any resources that may help them to find additional information? If you are unable to meet the five sentence minimum, feel free to respond to two classmates’ posts.