The following just needs a reply to. At least 50 words for each part ( these are jsut comments that need a reply too story Part 1 I agree that writing and cities are critical elements to determine a civilization, but I also believe that other factors are also needed. However, would I be incorrect to conclude that things like government and laws are more culture than factors that make up a civilization? Is religion and art also forms of civilization? Part 2 I think that cities and writings are an important part of what determines a civilization, but there are so many other things that go into that development. I believe that the development or maybe a phase of the development should possibly be considered in the process. Some of those things that should help determine civilization are tool development and use of those tools. Another is domestication of animals and crops, farming the land (Horticulture) and mastery in harvesting and sowing and domestication of animals for a number of things like food, protection and performing work tasks. Something else to consider I think would be what was used to store and eat or prepare food in the household environment and going down that road maybe categorize the types of dwellings leading up city development. English Part 3 I realized that I can improve my writing skills by brainstorming and freewriting. Because I am new to writing, my biggest issue to focus on will be remaining on topic. I’ll most likely use freewriting the most to get my brain into the mode of writing. It will make it easier for me to narrow down my thought process and come up with a good topic to build off of. At that point I’ll establish a good topic sentence, and organize my writing based on the supporting ideas I’ve come up with. My classmate has similar plans for his writing in that he intends to start with establishing his topic and build through making a plan or outline. Part 4 I realized that I can improve my writing skills by brainstorming and freewriting. Because I am new to writing, my biggest issue to focus on will be remaining on topic. I’ll most likely use freewriting the most to get my brain into the mode of writing. It will make it easier for me to narrow down my thought process and come up with a good topic to build off of. At that point I’ll establish a good topic sentence, and organize my writing based on the supporting ideas I’ve come up with. My classmate has similar plans for his writing in that he intends to start with establishing his topic and build through making a plan or outline.