FINAL EXAM STUDY GUIDE I. CATEGORICAL PROPOSITIONS 1. Put the following two statements into standard form; identify the subject and predicate class terms, the quality, and the quality, and name the form (A, E, I, or O). See Exercise 6.1B 2. For each pair of propositions, given that the first one is true, determine whether the second proposition is true, false or undetermined, in accordance with the Traditional Square of Opposition. See Exercise 6.2 3. State the converse (or obverse or contrapositive) of the following proposition. Indicate whether the proposition and its converse (or obverse or contrapositive) are equivalent. See Exercise 6.5C II. CATEGORICAL SYLLOGISMS 4. Put the following syllogism into standard form. Identify the major, minor and middle class terms. Identify the mood and figure. Then use the rules to determine whether the argument is valid or not. If it is invalid, state all rules that it violates. See Exercise 7.4B- B 5. For the following syllogism, use the Venn Diagram test to determine whether the syllogism is valid. See Exercise 7.5A III. PROPOSITIONAL LOGIC – PROPOSITIONS 6. Identify the main connective in each of the following two statements. See Exercise 9.2 A 7. Put each of the following two statements into symbolic notation, using appropriate letters to abbreviate atomic components. Provide a translation manual – i.e., what statements are represented by what letters. See Exercise 9.2B IV. PROPOSITIONAL LOGIC – PROOFS OF VALIDITY 8. Each of the following two arguments is an instance of one of the nine inference rules. Identify the form. See Exercise 10.3A-A & 10.3B-A 9. For the following proof, state the justification for each step. See Exercise 10.3C-A