THREE PART QUESTION regarding behavior in american law please include references PART ONE: Explore the Keen Family case study (attached), considering the psychological factors at play. Then respond to the following in 600 words: ● How do the following psychological factors account for the criminal behavior in the case study? o Mental disorders ▪ Psychopathy and other personality disorders ▪ Major mental disorders characterized by mood disturbances and periods of psychosis o Substance abuse ● How do social, behavioral, and cognitive factors interact with the psychological factors listed above to create a cumulative effect on the criminal behavior in the case study? PART TWO: Respond to the following in 250–350 words: ● To what degree do genetic and biological factors lessen or exempt a criminal offender’s responsibility? ● Should some genetic and/or biological factors qualify offenders for lighter sentences compared to other genetic and/or biological factors? Why or why not? PART THREE: Explore the Keen Family case study (same attachment), considering genetic and biological factors at play. Then respond to the following in 500–750 words: ● How do the following factors account for the criminal behavior in the case study? o Genetics o Biology ● How do the social, behavioral, cognitive, and psychological factors interact with the genetic and biological factors listed above to create a cumulative effect on the criminal behavior in the case study?