You should include at least 4 examples in your paper, and devote a significant portion

12/04/2016 9 Do some research and write a paper examples of … where hardware failures or natural disasters have created significant disruptions in a business (profit loss, customer dissatisfaction, etc).  You should include at least 4 examples in your paper, and devote a significant portion of your paper on discovering common themes that could have mitigated the problem (no backup, no battery power, etc). Once again, this is not a “survey paper”, and I don’t want you to copy from an article that already has determined the “common disaster themes”… instead, I want you to use articles to do research on your own to find those common themes. The requirements are: To demonstrate your understanding the importance of business continuity A single Microsoft Word document in APA format. Submit your file using the naming convention in the syllabus, for example: “CISK450 TermPaper Doe.John.docx” Purchase the answer to view it