8 pages double spaced, 12-point font). It will be important to choose a

Before beginning this assignment, read through information contained in the Scholastic Dishonesty link in the course menu to the left. The core assignment of this course is a documented research paper (1500-2000 words in length = approx. 6 – 8 pages double spaced, 12-point font). It will be important to choose a topic of interest to you. You will use some of the following critical thinking skills in this process: Because this may be a longer paper than you have written before and a complex process is involved, it is recommended that you complete this paper using the following steps: Gather information from a variety of sources. Grade Rubric INTRODUCTION & THESIS: The paper makes a clear and effective statement (the thesis) about the chosen topic. /15 FOCUS AND DEVELOPMENT: Body of the paper focuses on this thesis and develops it fully, recognizing the complexity of issues. /30 SUPPORT AND SYNTHESIS: Uses sufficient and relevant evidence to support the thesis (and primary points), including facts, inferences, and judgments.  Quotes, summarizes, and paraphrases accurately and effectively–appropriately introducing and explaining each quote. /30 CONVENTIONS: Uses MLA format correctly; includes a Works Cited list; is free of errors. /10 CORRECTNESS AND STYLE: Shows critical thinking and depth of understanding; uses appropriate tone; shows sophistication in language usage and sentence structure. /15 TOTAL: 100 Purchase the answer to view it Purchase the answer to view it Purchase the answer to view it