of wars, terrorism, or genocide. As counselor educators, you should be aware of all types

When most people think about identifying a crisis or disaster, the first ones that come to mind are usually natural disasters like tsunamis, earthquakes, or draughts. Others may first think of wars, terrorism, or genocide. As counselor educators, you should be aware of all types of crisis that may occur, including business crises such as those that involve the global outsourcing of jobs or de-centralization of business functions. Political, personal, financial, or technological crises also are important categories to consider. For this Discussion, however, the focus is on the first types of crises mentioned—natural disasters and terrorist events. Regardless of the type of crisis/disaster, the duration and intensity—or scope—of a crisis directs how your organization, community, or region will be impacted and the extent of the disaster response. The scope of a disaster also dictates whether an area is declared a disaster area by a nation’s leaders, whether assistance from outside your area will be needed, and the length of time necessary for disaster recovery efforts. Another area counselor educators should investigate relates to the demographics of the crisis/disaster population. Knowing this information will inform you and first responders of cultural considerations involved. The U.S. Census Bureau Quick Facts provides age, gender, ethnicity, home ownership, language, median income, and education level for your state, county, and city. This demographic data may be explored online. :