want to begin developing your portfolio ideas even though it is not due until Week

This e-portfolio assessment is designed to be used as both a learning tool and as a professional portfolio that you can include in your resume or applications for jobs. You want to begin developing your portfolio ideas even though it is not due until Week 8. In this assignment you are asked to choose any three of the four HRMN 302 course outcomes and reflect on your learning in our class. There are two distinct parts to this assignment. The first is your reflective ideas about your learning for three of the four course goals. The second is the actual creation of the E-portfolio on the Google Site. There is a partially completed portfolio provided for you at the very end of these instructions. Begin with an Introduction page, develop at least one page for each of the three outcomes you’ve selected. Be sure to include a Reference page at the end. You will have a minimum of 5 pages. On each outcome page: Here is an example of a partially completed portfolio: