that had previously submitted poor packages. What’s the best strategy to fix your organization’s reputation?

1. Read attached transcript. Offer any key points. 2. Now imagine that you replace someone that had previously submitted poor packages. What’s the best strategy to fix your organization’s reputation? 5. In discussing responses to a grant proposal being rejected, I wanted to add my idea of the importance of developing a strong and friendly working relationship with the funding agency. A personable relationship with the decision makers can be the difference between getting your package back with a “hey, rework your budget and doublecheck your fringe benefits on the salaries page and resubmit” or the “we regret to inform you that your proposal was not selected.” What are your thoughts class? 6.  I agree completely that it’s super important to make the grant reviewers’ job as easy as possible. That’s one reason I’m an advocate of always using the exact format of the funding agency. I prefer using a template of a recently approved grant as a go-by. Just put yourself in the reviewer’s shoes. Would you be likely to approve poorly presented applications?