what stands out for you in Sally’s case. Explain what influence her childhood abuse could have had on her experience in the military. As a social worker, explain how you could use Sally’s case to increase awareness and support for female military veterans. Case of Sally Sally began her Army services as a Private (E-1). Her military occupational specialty (MOS) was a radar repairer. While Sally served in the Army, her company Sergeant (E-5) sexually harassed her. In 2005, Sally deployed to Iraq for a 12-month deployment. While on a mission, Sally was engaged in a fi refi ght. Sally provided defensive fi re, but three of the other soldiers on her convoy were killed. When Sally returned to the States after her deployment, she went to a medical doctor and reported that she had trouble sleeping. Her physician prescribed her a mild sleeping aid. Although Sally took her prescription, she still had diffi culty going to and staying asleep. At night, when she closed her eyes, she saw the three soldiers who were killed in the fi refi ght. Sally began to isolate herself from her Army friends and became hypervigilant every time she left the post or was in any kind of social situation. Sally started to avoid social situations and began to show up late to work. Her commanding offi cer referred her to the Army mental health social worker. After Sally served for 4 years, she was honorably discharged as a Corporal (E-4). Sally returned to her hometown in the Midwest with plans to enroll in college. When Sally returned home, she had a diffi cult time managing her fears and refused to leave her room. She had diffi culty fi nding employment. Sally also became socially isolated as she refused to reconnect with her high school friends since she felt she would no longer fi t in with them. Sally was referred to the local VA for mental health treatment. Prior to enlisting in the Army, Sally grew up as the youngest child of three. She was raised by both of her parents. Her father worked in a factory and her mother worked part time as a housekeeper. Sally was a quiet child and she earned average grades throughout her public school education. Between the ages of 10 and 14 Sally was sexually molested by her maternal uncle. Sally never told her parents, siblings, or friends because her uncle threatened her if she told anyone and thus this was never reported to the authorities. As soon as Sally graduated from high school she enlisted in the Army to have a “fresh start” in life.