The West Nile Virus is an infectious disease that first appeared in the United States ub 1999. West Nile a mosquito borne disease that can cause encephalities,brain inflammation infected mosquito spread the virus that causes it ( One in five people who are infected will develop a fever with other symptoms. Less that 1% of infected people develop a serious, sometimes fatal, neurological illness. ( (n.d). Polices would be that each time you go outside make sure you spray something on your body because the West Nile Virus is carry through mosquitoes. I would advise that you use insect repellent and wear protective clothing to stop the mosquitoes from bites. Also stand indoor and not go outside until dawn, advise to remove standing water pudding because mosquitoes product if it is not used on a regular basis. By each person doing this it will reduce the disease. West Nile Virus (n.d) Retrieved from: West Nile Virus (n.d) Retrieved from Food poisoning, is something that many people have experienced at one point or another in life. It is something that is hard to avoid when dealing with going out to dinner, or sometimes even cooking at home. Botulism, is much worse than food positing. It is a type of food positing that is from a certain bacterium, called Botulinum that has been growing on the food that’s ingested. This can happen from canned food not being properly sterilized before caning. I would try and locate all the people who became ill, and see what food, they have all eaten recently, and try and pin point if it is a resultant, or if a certain canned food needs to have a recall and come off the shelves. Trying to find the common cause for the outbreak, could help stop any more from starting. References: Friis, R., Bell, N. M., and Philibert, B. (2014). Community and Public Health. San Diego, CA: Bridgepoint Education Inc.